National accused of playing politics with medicinal cannabis bill


Allegations that National's suggestions on the medicinal cannabis bill were ignored during the committee's selection process are offensive, says Louisa Wall, Labor MP

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photo: RNZ

After removing his Supporting the medicinal cannabis bill currently before a special committee, he introduced his own bill.

National Party leader Simon Bridges insisted the party wanted to give New Zealanders Mrs. Wall – who chairs the special committee on health – told Morning Report that if National's intentions were genuine, they would have made amendments to the current bill.

stated that Michael Wood's accusation house, a member of the committee, that members of the government were ambivalent about National's suggestions was offensive.

"At the end of the day, the question was about the regulations and the fact that the National Party wanted us to come back to the House to go through another comprehensive process before supporting the bill. but all other aspects of the considerations they presented were accepted by the committee.

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