Neon promises a refined broadcast service for the third episode of Game of Thrones


After a disappointing start to the broadcast of Game of Thrones' long-awaited final season, Neon TV promised it would be better for the third episode, to be aired on Monday.

The streaming platform sent an email to subscribers Friday afternoon, explaining that she had "refined" her process after customers had criticized her ability to broadcast the last two episodes without a problem.

"We have refined our processes over the last two weeks and we want the episode to be ready for you on Neon Monday at 3 pm," he said.

The Neon streaming service promised that they had "refined" the process and that they would have the next episode of Game of Thrones, The Battle of Winterfell, for subscribers.


The Neon streaming service promised that they had "refined" the process and that they would have the next episode of Game of Thrones, The Battle of Winterfell, "as quickly as possible."

She also explained the process to follow and the limits of the episode online in New Zealand.

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"We are not allowed to begin treatment of the episode for Neon until it has been fully rolled out in the US and on SoHo … and then our team will also work as quickly as possible to correct it "

The episode of this week, entitled The Battle of Winterfell, should be one of the longest episodes of the series, with a duration of 80 minutes. It is planned to finish at "around 14:25 NZ as it is a longer episode" and will be available on the streaming service shortly thereafter.

The email informed subscribers that updates on the availability of the episode would be provided on the app, the Facebook page and the Twitter account of the platform.

"We will send an alert as soon as the episode is available."

This is the second e-mail of this type that Neon was forced to send. A similar message was sent at the end of last week, promising that a team would work as hard as possible to put on-line episode 2.

After the premiere of episode two, a number of fans were faced with a "network error" during the streaming attempt, an error for which Neon is now excused.

"Some Neon customers have encountered problems accessing the site earlier in the afternoon of last Monday.

"If it was you, please accept our apologies, it was a network error (unrelated to Game of thrones) and luckily it was isolated and corrected. "

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