Newsie – $ 35.4 million for new science platforms


The Department of Enterprise, Innovation and Employment today announced $ 35.4 million over six years for three new strategic science platforms undertaking research to improve performance seafood, shellfish and seafood processing industries. The new platforms are funded by the MBIE Strategic Investment Fund (SSIF), which supports long-term research in priority areas for the economy, the environment and the well-being of New Zealand, "explains Danette Olsen. The platform supports New Zealand's important capacity by bringing together scientists, resources, expertise and facilities to meet long-term research goals. ultimately strengthen the sustainability of our seafood, aquaculture and aquaculture industries. "

The platforms will be hosted by independent research organizations Cawthron Institute and LASRA

The Seafood Safety Platform, aimed eliminate product recalls and ensure market access. New Zealand seafood will be hosted by the Cawthron Institute and will receive $ 3 million annually for six years.

The Shellfish Platform, also run by Cawthron, will receive $ 2 million a year for six years to undertake research to improve

The third new SSIF platform will be hosted by LASRA and will focus on quality, performance and durability of the valuable leather and leather industry of New Zealand. The platform was awarded $ 0.9 million a year for six years.

Visit the MBIE website for more information on the new science platforms hosted by Cawthron Institute and LASRA.

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