Nicky Wagner says sorry for slut comment to Deborah Russell


National MP Nicky Wagner says she should not have called Labor MP Deborah Russell a "bitch" in Parliament after Russell asked if National Finance Spokesperson Amy Adams , knew how to handle numbers

Wagner called "You're a bitch" after Russell mentioned Adams' claim earlier in the debate that National put more into health than Labor had in its first budget.

Russell said, "Maybe she just got the numbers"

"Frankly, it worries me that it's the ability of the person he's the finance critic to be. examine what the government is doing, and you hoped at least – I hope at least – that the person who did it knew how to handle the numbers. "

After Russell's objection, Wagner's The interjection was recorded in the Hansard draft, but disappeared by the final version – something the Registrar has described as error on the part of a Hansard subordinate. rather than at the request of Wagner

. He said the word should have been left because it was the subject of a point of order after Russell had asked for apologies and the word was reinstated.Members can change inaccuracies in their records, but can not cherc her to remove words that were part of order points.

Wagner could not be contacted for an interview, but in a brief statement she used the word in question. "I should not have and I apologized immediately."

She said that she had not sought to remove it from Hansard

A search in the Hansard shows that the word has been used many times, a name for a bitch rather than an insult. The most frequent user was New Zealand MP Ron Mark.

• February 2015: Ron Mark about National's Gerry Brownlee: "It's the Minister of Defense whose biggest rascal was that he did not understand the acronyms. • October 2014: Former Green co-leader Russel Norman quotes blogger Cameron Slater: "The same woman who tenses when he goes to the Pike River meetings"

• May 2007: L & # 39 former national Chester Borrows MP in the anti-smacking bill: "Although they can complain and moan continuously that all we do, is the bitch and moans, on this occasion, there is consensus and compromise "

• Hone Harawira, June 2006 on the dog Legislation on micro-footprints:" We saw national votes on this issue as a bitch in heat, and, of course, we were honored by the presence of the poodle of New Zealand First. "

• June 2006: Ron Mark on the dog micro-shredding:" When a cocky does g slips his leash on the farm and goes astray because a bitch on the road is in heat, she does not have her collar on it. "

• May 2006: Ron Mark after r refers to National's Simon Power as "bitching" on: "I withdraw the word; I did not want to call Simon Power a bitch. "

When the power objected, Mark replied," I withdraw, if I offended the member's sensibility. "Bitch," I would say, Madam President, is a bitch.

• December 2004: Rodney Hide, Leader of the Act on the Aquaculture Reform Bill: "We created a racial group in New Zealand to dirty, whine and complain to the government. "

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