No backdown: Helen Clark's last shot on Sir Ray Avery while he's facing questions on pods before the decision of a concert


Former Prime Minister Helen Clark asked if the benefits of a public concert at Eden Park would actually be spent on saving babies in developing countries.

Clark quoted media reports tonight that cast doubt on the ambitious proposal of scientist and philanthropist Sir Ray Avery "

Kip Marks, an engineer who previously worked on Sir Ray's LifePods project, was asked if the product was still ready to be manufactured. Speaking to TVNZ, Marks said the fundraising money was more likely to be used for product development.

"So what does the Eden Park charity fund look for [from the]?" Clark tweeted in response to the story.

"The engineer who worked on the project says that $$ are more likely to embark on product development to try to make an incubator that works

"Hello!" She added. "Transparency is what you like."

But Sir Ray disagreed He said that a contract had already been signed with an Indian manufacturer and that every $ 2,000 amassed would lead to the construction and delivery of a LifePod in a hospital in the need.

He was shocked by how critically the project had suddenly become persona I did not know that there was such an orchestrated campaign to bring down the concert, which would end in character assassinations .. and I guess I'm the next taxi in the rank, "he says.

" I certainly was not prepared for that. "

Earlier today, Sir Ray acknowledged at Herald that the LifePods had not yet received permission to be manufactured, but had denied making false statements.

He hopes to reap 4 million dollars to build 2,000 incubators, which he says could be used to save the lives of millions of babies around the world.

Clark lives near the stadium and is afraid to let the fundraiser a precedent for other concerts

One expects at this that the concert takes place tomorrow

Earlier, Clark was reporting a Newsroom investigation that also raised questions about Sir Ray's LifePods. She noted that the devices did not yet have ISO certification and that they were under development in India because they would probably not receive ethical approval in New Zealand.

"Million babies saved came out of the sky," tweeted Clark.

The Newsroom Inquiry raised questions as to whether Sir Ray should lead the LifePods process, had it been sufficiently transparent, and if any of the incubators would actually be produced soon after the concert.

He reported that Sir Ray recognized the target of a million babies to spare was not accurate, citing it as saying, "When you do marketing, you take a few numbers out of the box. # 39; air. "

Speaking to the Herald today, Sir Ray said that figure he acknowledged that the LifePod was not ISO certified – saying rather than it was "certifiable" – but denied that false allegations were made.

The Lif The ePod components have been ISO tested, but they now have to be validated by an independent audit at the Chennai, India factory, where they will be manufactured, he said. said.

"We can not sell it – it has to be sold by them, and they will then manufacture and distribute it," he said.

"We are at the point where we can now give back to the manufacturer, knowing 100% that he can manufacture


A decision should be made tomorrow on the question of whether the project of "Waiting Life Day" called " Million Babies "The trustees of the Eden Park Trust have indicated that the consent process for the concert was to extend beyond the month of October and cost more than $ 750,000, not to mention the Legal Fees

"I did not know the depth of feelings – heart was a good thing to do to save the lives of children," S Ir Ray told The AM Show this morning, adding that "it's a good thing to do." he had assumed that only about twenty people would oppose the event.

However, three quarters of submissions to the resource consent process supported the LifePod Appeal, among the many other issues, the Newsroom survey highlighted the fact that LifePods had not not yet ISO certification as a medical device and that the production had not started on a large scale.

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