No end in sight for the trash dumping problems of South Auckland



The new council measures did not prevent the waste from being thrown in Māngere.

Five months after Auckland Mayor Phil Goff announced a crackdown on dumping, there is plenty of evidence that the message is not

The disorder on Ihumatao Rd, Māngere , less than five minutes from Auckland Airport, is only a sign.

A large number of thrown objects, including black garbage bags, a car tire, clothes,

* Suppression of illegal dumping of garbage : Four months and $ 4,000 fines
* Cleanup costs for illegal dumping increase in Auckland
* Street faced large piles of garbage dumped for years
* Illegal spill of industrial areas south of Auckland

Cardboard, floor mats and other home furniture [1965901] 1] Several large piles of dump spilled arose on Ihumatao Rd, Māngere, south of Auckland "title =" "src =" .620×349.1qzk9u.png / 1532830384008.jpg "class =" photoborder "/>

Chris Harrowell / Stuff

Several large piles of spilled waste appeared on Ihumatao Rd, Māngere, south of Auckland. At a short distance, there is a greater disorder.

Two long piles of garbage thrown out include mattresses, car tires, black garbage bags, clothes and shoes, furniture and bottles of beer. receive notice of litter violation and receive a fine of up to $ 400, or up to $ 30,000 when successfully prosecuted in court



Chris Harrowell / Stuff

Many thrown objects destroy a land bank

Goff announced several new initiatives to tackle the problem in February

"Illegal dumping of garbage roadside ravaged our city, harmed our environment and burdened taxpayers with cleanup costs, "he said. The new measurement A 0800 phone line (0800 663 867) has been installed to denounce dumpers, recruit more control personnel, double the number of CCTV cameras in hot spots and speed up the garbage collection process in public places

. was also working to help provide better information on inorganic collections, recycling and ways to reduce waste.

  Mrs. Lemauga Lydia Sosene, president of the local council of Māngere-Ōtāhuhu, says that she and her colleagues have made ...

/ Auckland Council

Māngere-Ōtāhuhu local council president, Lemauga Lydia Sosene, says that he and his colleagues have given priority to educating residents about the dumping of garbage

Lemauga Lydia Sosene, President of Māngere-Ōtāhuhu Local Council "We really got the message across before getting the message across."

"It's really important for community members to see the people who are doing dumping, they report it on the phone line or to us. We will follow up.

Sosene said that there were hot spots in the area of ​​her board of directors and she encouraged her colleagues to report illegally dumped waste so that they could be dealt with promptly .

  The disorder of Ihumatao Road includes black waste

Chris Harrowell / Stuff

The disorder of Ihumatao Road includes black garbage bags, pieces of wood, and home furniture.

"We want our suburbs to be clean and" I am in favor of educating people, but there must be some sort of punishment [for dumping rubbish]. "

It would be useful to have an installation in the south of Auckland where "People think" I have all that stuff but I do not have the money [to take it to the tip] so I'm just going to throw it away. "

need options, otherwise it's easier to throw things on the side of the road."

  Amo The garbage on Ihumatao Rd is carpets, cardboard boxes, polystyrene and industrial materials.

Chris Harrowell / Stuff

Among the rubbish of Ihumatao Rd are carpets, cardboard, polystyrene and industrial materials. She said her council had asked council to review how the city collects inorganic waste.

When the current system was put in place in 2016, much of its community was not picked up on time.

Linda Thorne, who lives in Māngere Bridge, said that a "huge" pile of trash bags was left in Greenwood Rd, Māngere, for

  A large amount of clothing and an old and unwanted armchair were thrown into Ihumatao Rd.

Chris Harrowell / Stuff

A large amount of clothing and an old unwanted armchair were thrown into Ihumatao Rd.

] "It seems like too many people do not care about their environment."

Manurewa's Ariana Naera said Mountfort Park, in the suburbs, was "constantly bombarded" with rubbish

We recycled, composted and we still have to pay to get rid of garbage.

  Manurewa Local President Angela Dalton stands near a stack of illegal garbage. waste dump in Palmers Rd, Clendon ...

Chris Harrowell / Stuff

Angela Dalton, president of the local Manurewa, stands near a pile of garbage illegally thrown at Palmers Rd, Clendon (archive photo)

President Angela Dalton said the amount of garbage dumped illegally in her community has dropped from Christmas last year.

"We clean the berms, but people can not get rid of all their inorganic waste, so there's still rubbish, garbage, and other things, they do not know what to do with

"Fundamental Principles [of the problems] were not discussed."

"We clean more efficiently but we do not deal with the underlying causes. "

Dalton stated that she also wanted a community recycling facility established in the south of Auckland.

She would also like to see a return to the old inorganic collection system, or a modified version of it.

"title =" "src =" j / image.related.StuffLandscapeSixteenByNine.620×349.1qzk9u.png / 1532830384008.jpg "class =" photoborder "/>

Chris Harrowell / Stuff

There is also a single bed base and a decaying bed mattress.

A Auckland spokesman The Council said it had recorded a 27% increase in calls regarding illegal dumping between February and June of this year compared to the same period in 2017.

The value of fines for garbage dumping fell from $ 24,950 between February and June 2017 to $ 10,000 for the same period this year.

Tha C is because the board had six law enforcement officers last year, while for a good part of 2018 it had only three, said the spokesperson

. . . we recruited additional staff who, as of March, contributed to the initial fieldwork that resulted from the increase in the number of complaints for illegal dumping.

"In the end, these employees will conduct our investigations, but … they are incapable"

"It takes time and we put in place resources and capabilities to do that."

  Illegal waste dumped at Māngere, south of Auckland.

Chris Harrowell / Stuff

The spokesman said the council was able to tape and panels around other garbage piles, thus increasing the visibility of the problem, as well as identification and removal of detritus more quickly.

Other initiatives include the increased promotion of the council's inorganic collection and the implementation of education and door-to-door measures to support investigations of illegal spills.

The Board Doubled Surveillance cameras were moved from 7 to 14 and were moved around hot spots with a focus on South Auckland, which had the highest rate of illegal dumping.

The spokesman said that reported

– Miscellanea

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