No more Mr Nice Guy – Joseph Parker adds dirty tricks to his arsenal


Joseph Parker adds sneaky tricks to his arsenal, determined that there's no more gentleman than Nice Guy in the ring.

The New Zealand heavyweight is currently finishing its training camp in Las Vegas. He holds firm to take a more aggressive approach during his December 15 fight in Christchurch against American-American Alexander Flores.

There was universal criticism of Parker's inability to react to Dillian Whyte's brutal tactics in his July defeat to the broken Briton in London, a setback that followed his loss to Anthony Joshua at the time. Global Unification, where he admitted that he was too cautious.

Parker and his coach Kevin Barry have corrected these losses, making the bastard factor a priority over the last eight weeks for a fight he must win with an exclamation point as he tries to move up the rankings and resume the title.

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The lesson was tough for the gentle-mannered Parker, but it was even more difficult for his training partners who suffered the most of his frustrations. Barry had warned them that the situation could worsen. That's how Parker strove to find a ruthless new to the next stage of his career.

"We always talked about being aggressive and not being Mr. Nice Guy, but we did not do it," Parker said.

"I did not really show it to the camp and if you do not show it, how are you showing it in combat?" Now we see it more at the camp, we get to know it at the gym.

"Many people have asked me if I could be a bastard with Dillian Whyte's fight, so with this training camp, if you ask the training partners, I hit them here [points to groin], tripped them, threw them around the ring.

"I think it's something we have to do – you have to not only box up smartly, but you have to be ruthless in the ring.

The tough British Dillian Whyte faces Joseph Parker on a rope during their July fight in London.


The tough British Dillian Whyte beats Joseph Parker on the line during their July fight in London.

"Being nice outside the ring and being good in the ring does not work.I think it's important to be a complete fighter … I can be good technically but I have to be good at screwing him up. , the fight, all that stuff, I think it's just adding one more thing to your arsenal. "

Parker warned Flores that he would not defend any nonsense in Christchurch.

"Come fight at night when he tries to do dirty tricks, I'll fight them with dirtier ones, so if I have to hit him hard, I'll do it, if I have to nudge him, I'll do it now, it's not a matter of talking about it., I'm going to be about it. "

Parker said that it was necessary to increase the bet.

"I think that during the last two fights, I did not really show the aggression I had to show Kevin is craving every day in my mind."

Conscious of the question marks regarding their partnership, Barry and Parker held a heated discussion after the fight against Whyte, during which Parker was struck elbow-to-elbow, bent and fought through the ropes by a ruthless opponent ready at all for a win that placed him on the brink of a world title fight.

Barry has sworn that Parker will not be treated like this, starting with this camp "without taboo".

"We all knew that Dillian Whyte was a tough guy, but I do not think we figured out how far and how bad he would go, and also what the officials would let him do," said Barry.

Coach Kevin Barry insisted that Joseph Parker be ready to counter any dubious tactics of his opponents in the future.


Coach Kevin Barry insisted that Joseph Parker be ready to counter any dubious tactics of his opponents in the future.

"I saw Joe hitting his training partners on almost every part of their body.I took him to take some guys to the ground, I had him with his before- arms that stifled – things we had never done before. "

"Every day after the fight, I apologize to his partners for the work he does, and they get it.

"To be quite honest, a lot of things that I've taught Joe over the years and in the sport, he never felt it was part of his game. But after the fight from Whyte, he felt that he had to add that to his game, that "I have to give it back" … and we saw in Whyte's fight that he just had not done it .

"Nobody will ever treat him like that again."


Kiwi heavyweight Joseph Parker goes through a lot of skills and exercises at his training camp in Las Vegas.

It is now time to be in the street.

"Describing this as a ring loom would be a push, because there are rules: hitting the guys in the back of the head, hitting them on the ground, picking them up and trying to throw them over the rope I do not think it's a ring loom, I think it's a totally illegal tactic and no other country in the world will allow it, "Barry said in a Whyte and UK scene

"I do not think we'll have to do it against Flores, I think it's an honest guy, but I think it was important to make that adjustment and that it's important that Joe know if he wants to do something, then he can. "

* Duncan Johnstone flew to the United States with Parker's assistance against Flores, sponsor of Flooring Xtra.

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