NRL Delays Jack Wighton's 10-Week Ban After Aggression Charge | sport


Canberra blasted the NRL's decision to cancel the Raiders' penalty for offensive midfielder Jack Wighton, who pleaded guilty to five charges of assault as a result of a night out

. On Monday, the NRL thought the penalty was not severe enough and added another four weeks to make sure Wighton would not play again during the regular season.

Allan Hawke, president of the Raiders, responded to the NRL's handling of the situation. "After reviewing all the facts surrounding this incident, we firmly maintain our decision and the punishment inflicted by the club," Hawke said. "We are disappointed to learn that the NRL does not agree with this punishment and that she feels that she must come to mind and add four weeks more." and a fine [of $30,000] to the penalty "

" We are puzzled as to why the NRL felt the need to impose other penalties before the end of this process and it sets an extraordinary precedent as to the way clubs will handle business in the future.

"In light of this, it seems like the clubs It may be time for the NRL and its unit. integrity to decide these issues, so that there is a consistent approach to future offenses. "

The only Wighton could play again this year if the Raiders, who sit three games apart first eight, make the final. He has five days to appeal the penalty.

NRL CEO Todd Greenberg had made it clear that he did not agree with the Raiders' position, suggesting that the club could be ruled out. "It's as simple as that – I've seen the pictures and I do not think the punishment they've proposed is strong enough," said Greenberg on Thursday

Wighton will be sentenced on November 14 for five charges of assault, including two counts of assault causing actual bodily harm, and a public urination. He changed his guilty plea in June after initially seeking to challenge the charges when he faced the ACT court in April.

The maximum penalty for assault causing bodily harm is a term of imprisonment of five years. [ad_2]
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