Pest Control Plan of the Regional Council in operation


The new Regional Pest Management Plan for the Canterbury Environment came into effect yesterday, confirmed the organization.

A comprehensive review of the previous pest management plan was undertaken to ensure that the right rules were in place to manage existing and emerging pests.

Canterbury Environmental Advisor, Tom Lambie, said that pest control and biosecurity were important areas of work for regional councils

"Environment Canterbury acknowledged this by positioning biosecurity alongside the "It reflects the hard work of many people and the fact that many community members feel that we now have a plan that is right for our current and future challenges in pest management."

The new management placed more responsibility on individual owners to manage the pests on their properties themselves. The efforts of the Elves and the Canterbury Environment were more focused on preventing the spread of pests to neighboring properties.

Regional councils will play a leadership role with a focus on advice, education and collaboration with the community. Mr Lambie said: "The focus of the new plan is therefore to maintain efforts to prevent the proliferation of existing pests, while increasing the number of existing pests, such as brooms, gorse, rabbits "This approach will help us become more resilient, with pests managed for both land production and biodiversity protection." The review also made sure that our plan was aligned. with neighboring areas to prevent the arrival of new pests. "

The new plan provides realistic goals that can be achieved over time through better work methods." By playing its role, Environment Canterbury deploy resources more efficiently and effectively, improve the way we work with landowners and the community, and look for opportunities for more partnerships laughs, "said Mr. Lambie, with papatipu runanga, industry and other agencies. Effective communication will be the key to success in all areas. "

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