Police divers join in search of missing pilot as being "heartbroken" Wanaka supports family of aviation pioneers


  Matt Wallis, one of the four sons of Warbirds and Sir Tim Wallis, the founder of Wanaka, fears a lot ..

are serious fears for Matt Wallis, one of Warbirds' four sons on Sir Tim Wallis, founder of Wanaka, after the disappearance of a helicopter on Lake Wanaka on Saturday

. being at the helm of a helicopter that crashed into Lake Wanaka on Saturday.

Matt Wallis, son of the aviation pioneer and founder of Warbirds against Sir Tim Wallis, of Wanaka, reportedly died after leaving Wanaka Airport for a short solo flight to the national park from Mount Aspiring.

One kilometer north of Stevensons Island, in the southeast corner of Lake Otago, debris was discovered on the shores of the island. Search and rescue teams reached the wreckage but found no one

  Helicopters joined the search for the helicopter shortly after its descent into Lake Wanaka on Saturday.


chopper shortly after he descended into Lake Wanaka on Saturday.

Friends named Wallis as the missing pilot, saying that he was a "highly respected" man whose death was "heartbreaking".

* Teams wait for daylight to continue
* Victim of a Wanaka helicopter crash taking its last flight
* Haut on luxury living at the Minaret Station
* Nick Wallis: "You can steal anything in these & # 39;

with police, search and rescue teams and Coastguard focusing on Stevensons Island. The police diving squad is expected in Wanaka today and will assess the situation this afternoon.

  With his three brothers, Matt Wallis owns and runs Hollywood's exclusive Minaret Station ...

With his three brothers, Matt Wallis owns and operates the exclusive Minaret Station, which is frequented by Hollywood celebrities who are passionate about Avoid prying eyes.

Meteorologists were hoping that a clear morning would help the operation, but that rain and gusts of wind could provoke the attack of Otago this afternoon.

MetService meteorologist April Clark said weather in Wanaka was deteriorating ", with showers becoming heavy rain in the afternoon and not expected to relax before Monday

The helicopter took off from Wanaka for the National Park around 1 pm Saturday, a trip that the police would normally have taken about 15 minutes. (19659019) Sir Tim Wallis alongside former Prime Minister Helen Clark, who launched a $ 10 million fundraising campaign for … "title =" "src =" https://resources.stuff.co.nz/content/dam/images/1/q/w/ r / a / 6 / image.related.StuffLandscapeSixteenByNine.620×349.1qwqx2.png / 1532224044606.jpg "class =" photoborder "/>


Sir Tim Wa He is alongside former Prime Minister Helen Clark, who has launched a $ 10 million fundraising campaign to redevelop the Museum of New Fighter Pilots Zealand to Wanaka.

Detective Sergeant Derek Shaw confirmed that a pilot was the only passenger on board.

Matt Wallis is one of four brothers – brother to Toby, Jonathan and Nick – who operate Minaret Station, a working farm and exclusive mountain resort in a glacial valley of the Southern Alps, accessible only by helicopter .

Richie McCaw, the former All Black, worked alongside them, training the guests in the remote station

  Minaret Station over Lake Wanaka is accessible only by helicopter, so Matt Wallis and his brothers fly in their guests.


Minaret Station over Lake Wanaka is accessible only by helicopter, so Matt Wallis and his brothers fly in their guests.

The Mayor of Queenstown Lakes, Jim Boult, said that he had been sh "I'm sure I speak for everyone that it's heartbreaking. He was terribly known," said Boult. "When the family arrives, the whole district, our hearts go to them."

The Queenstown Lakes aviation community has already been struck by tragedy. Matt Wallis paid tribute to his friend Morgan Saxton, who died after his helicopter dropped on Lake Wanaka, and said Saxton's life was "too short".

  Matt Wallis is an avid outdoorsman and well-known tourist. 19659032] Unknown </span>
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Matt Wallis is an avid outdoorsman and well-known tourist.

Wallis' friends said that after Saxton he was working tirelessly to recover his body from the lake so that he could rest properly.

Queenstown Lakes Deputy Mayor Calum MacLeod said, "It was he who drove Morgan's healing."

MacLeod, owner of the famous Wanaka Cinema Paradiso, knows the Wallis family since many years. see Sir Tim at the movies Saturday afternoon – but it was not

  Minaret Station, in a valley that rises from the edge of Lake Wanaka, belongs to the family of Sir Tim Wallis.


Minaret Station, in a climbing valley The edge of Lake Wanaka belongs to the family of Sir Tim Wallis.

Instead, around 4 pm, he learned from the captain's office that there had been an accident; the radio beacon of a helicopter had disappeared over the lake.

An oil slick was discovered later, with more oil spotted rising from the lake bottom.

"Around 8 o'clock, I received the phone call saying that it was Matt," said Mac Leod. "It's a tragedy when a young man's life is cut short: at this point he's gone, you always hope for the best but fear the worst."

MacLeod offered his respects and condolences to the Wallis family. I have known them for years and I feel for them right now, it is a highly respected young man and it is a huge shame. "

Friends and family joined Wallis' search late on Saturday evening.A helicopter, a Robinson, was reported missing around 1:30 pm by his company after he disappeared from the tracking systems.

Chris Henshaw, Senior Search and Rescue Officer of the New Zealand Rescue Coordination Center (RCCNZ) reported that three helicopters from the same company traced the flight to the missing aircraft path. Gear had seen the oil slick and wreckage, he said.

The Transportation Accident Investigation Board (TAIC) will investigate the incident.

In 2016 , Robinson helicopters were placed on the TAIC watch list.

At the time, approximately 300 Robinson helicopters were registered in New Zealand – mainly R22 and R44 – representing approximately 40% of the fleet. total helicopters of the country. 9659006]

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