Proliferation of algae causes health warning for Rotorua Okaro and Rotoehu lakes


Health warnings were issued for Okaro and Rotoehu Lakes.

The Te Ora Public Health Organization has issued this warning because of the proliferation of potentially toxic blue-green algae.

The Chief Medical Officer of Health, Dr. Neil de Wet, said that contact with water affected by the bloom of blue-green algae can cause asthma attacks and hay fever in some people. Contact can also cause rashes, stomach upset and, in some cases, neurological effects such as tingling around the mouth, headaches, breathing difficulties and visual problems.

"Health warnings mean that people must avoid any activity involving contact with the water of Okaro or Rotoehu Lakes," said de Wet.

It is advisable not to paddle, paddle, swim or participate in any recreational activity that may involve direct contact with the lake water.

Algae can also accumulate and form collections of scum along the lakeshore. It is particularly important that parents ensure that children avoid contact with water and algae residues along the shore, as they can be toxic.

It is also advisable to keep pets and livestock out of the water and shore.

Signs will be installed at Lakes Okaro and Rotoehu to inform potential users of the lake of algal blooms.

The Regional Council of Bay of Plenty, a Rotorua Te Arawa partner, annually samples water from 13 key locations in Rotorua Lakes to detect the presence of blue-green algae while improving quality. from the water of Te Arawa lakes. These monitoring sites include Okaro, Rotoehu, Rotorua, Rotoiti and Tarawera lakes. For more information, visit

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