Report: Climate change is already a global health emergency


A new detailed report has highlighted the enormous impact of climate change on our health and well-being.

The report has just been published in a major medical journal The lancet, found that crop yields had declined in 30 countries due to global warming, raising concerns about malnutrition in some areas.

The risks of dengue fever, vibrios and malaria have also increased significantly around the world.

And the increase in extreme weather events, which amounted to 712 events in 2017, resulting in economic losses of US $ 326 billion, resulted in injuries and deaths, displacement, post-traumatic stress and other health impacts in the short and long term.

Climate change has led to increased migration in some regions, with significant geopolitical impacts.

Another section of the report, written by New Zealand-based environmental and occupational health expert Professor Tord Kjellstrom, found that warmer temperatures cost workers 153 billion productive hours in 2017, had an impact on family incomes and agricultural production and aggravated health risks.

India, Southeast Asia, Sub-Saharan Africa and South America were the most affected regions, but Mr Kjellström also added that The impact on New Zealand's workforce would become increasingly pronounced as heat levels rise.

The report's authors called on world leaders, who are about to meet in Poland for the next UN climate change summit, to make urgent commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from the environment. by 2020 to limit global warming to 1.5 ° C.

Although New Zealand and 196 other parties signed the Paris agreement resulting from the UN climate negotiations in 2015, many were still not meeting their initial commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. greenhouse gas emissions – and these initial commitments were well below what was needed to limit global warming. below 1.5 ° C at 2 ° C, as agreed in Paris.

Delaying actions not only puts people's health at risk from climate change, the authors said, but also missed out on the major opportunities for improving health offered in the short term through climate action.

Seven million people a year die prematurely from air pollution, and The lancet found that air quality had deteriorated in 70% of the world's cities last year.

It has been estimated that the health benefits of mitigating climate change to achieve the goals set in Paris could largely offset the cost of this mitigation, just by reducing air pollution.

"The potential benefits are staggering and we know what actions are needed," said Dr. Rhys Jones, co-organizer of OraTaiao: New Zealand's Climate and Health Council.

"Rapid elimination of coal, oil and gas, switching from car trips to walking, cycling and public transit, healthier diets with less red meat and dairy products, and high-efficiency heated homes will reduce emissions while reducing the major diseases that kill New Zealanders. "

"Politicians meeting next week must act now and make strong and bold commitments to ensure a healthy future for all.

"The nature and magnitude of the response to climate change will be the determining factor in shaping the health of current and future generations."

At the same time, another report outlined what New Zealand needed to learn to better adapt to drought conditions, probably in the context of future climate change.

Although New Zealand has always been "rich in water," the report, written by Deep South Challenge: Changing with our Climate, suggests that the country is not well prepared to face a future involving more drought in some areas.

He found that this could well have the most significant future impact on the country's economy.

The authors say that we need to know more about New Zealand's level of risk in terms of drinking water availability, both in urban and rural areas, as well as the impact on vulnerable communities as a result of climate change. Changes in the structure of the workforce and housing prices.

They suggest that we need more research on the impact of changing drought regimes on energy production and consumption.

"As the climate changes, water supply systems will have to be adapted accordingly, which could include new sources, new technologies, increased storage capacity and better management of use. of water, "said Wageed Kamish, of Tonkin + Taylor, who leads project-focused issue.

"At the same time, we must carefully manage the quality of existing and potential sources now, so as not to compromise them for future use.

"The adaptation can take many years, and in many cases the planning process has to start now."

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