Seamus Mullen's fame "Iron Chef" fight against rheumatoid arthritis


"At first, I felt like my whole body ached. It suddenly went into sharp attacks, as if someone was stabbing me with a knife. Then I felt a pain that made me feel like a nail was crossing my joint. no idea what was going on. "

He did his best to overcome the pain, alleviating it after long hours in the kitchen. For a new chef trying to get into the industry, 16-hour shifts and 90-hour shifts were the norm.

"It was really brutal, but that's how you did your teeth and learned to become a professional chef. We worked hard. Unfortunately, we did not necessarily work smart.

But the hard work paid off. The Mullen star was warming in the culinary world. Outside of his restaurant work, he began appearing on shows such as "The Next Iron Chef" and "Chopped". He did not have time for the mysterious pain of derailing his career.

Seamus Mullen was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis in 2007.


However, the long hours of work and physical work began to have adverse consequences on Mullen's health. He was gaining weight and suffering more acute attacks as chronic pain spread throughout his body.

Then, one morning, he woke up with a pain in his hip so intense that he could not move. An emergency trip and an MRI revealed that his hip was full of fluid. Mullen has been diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis, a chronic inflammatory autoimmune disease.

"Like many people, I thought that arthritis was a disease or discomfort of the elderly.It was shocking to learn that it was a debilitating disease that would have a permanent impact and long term on my life and well-being was really scary. "

Fearing that his illness could leave him in a wheelchair or with hands that could no longer cook, Mullen was against the wall.

"I had to choose between accepting to become a sick person or getting out of this situation one way or another.I promised myself to change my life." I do not know what I'm going through. I was going to do it, but I was going to take control of my health. "

Chef Seamus Mullen uses

Recipe for health

Mullen has started to prepare ways to improve his health, starting with his diet.

"I came from a professional environment that knew how to make really delicious food, but I did not really know what had happened to that food, so much of the food I ate had an inflammatory impact on my food. body."

Mullen has stopped eating processed foods and all foods known to be inflammatory. With everything he ate, he asked, "Does this help me or get me?"

Those who helped, he labeled "hero foods."

Mullen no longer suffers and maintains an active lifestyle.

On the day of this interview, Mullen let the film film by CNN: a small plate of boiled eggs and a kohlrabi salad, radish, cucumber, shallot, avocado, anchovies and extra virgin olive oil

"It's a simple salad really tasty and full of good things." Healthy fats derived from extra virgin olive oil and anchovies, as well as omega-3s and tons vegetables."

Although these foods tick the "hero" box, he points out that everyone should find the right mix of foods that suits them.

"For me, he could act as lawyers, for someone else, he could act almonds." I think he is very important that everyone starts to understand the foods that make them really good. "

The change was dramatic.

There was a time when even getting out of bed was a challenge for Mullen. He no longer feels any pain and practices yoga, raises weights, biking and cooking without fear of an arthritis attack.

"I am happy to have been sick, I am happy to have lived through this really difficult and horrible time of my life because I came out with more determination."

He is now trying to be a hero for other people suffering the same pain. In his cookbooks, "Real Food Heals" and "Hero Food", Mullen explains how he found his joy of cooking and eating.

"It is very important to remember that you can eat very well for your health and at the same time for pleasure, indulgence and joy."

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