Second case of measles identified in South Island


Public health renews the call for the MMR vaccine while the second case of measles is confirmed.


Public health renews the call for the MMR vaccine while the second case of measles is confirmed.

Public health officials estimate that a second case of measles confirmed in Marlborough on Thursday is linked to the case reported last week in Milford Sound.

The woman in her twenties has been in isolation in Marlborough since Tuesday, November 20, and public health officials say that it is unlikely that she has infected anyone.

According to Dr. Susan Jack, Medical Officer of Health of the Southern District Health Board, this woman was kept in isolation during her infectious period.

A 30-year-old resident of Milford Sound was confirmed with measles last week. Another close contact of the couple, a man from Te Anau, was also suspected of having the disease and was in isolation since the initial diagnosis of the measles case last Tuesday.

* Measles cases in Golden Bay linked to others on South Island
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None of the three patients would have been vaccinated against measles.

The public health agencies of all District Health Boards of the South Island were collaborating to manage the outbreak.

Measles is a viral disease transmitted by contact with respiratory secretions by coughing and sneezing. People exposed to measles who have not been immunized first develop a respiratory disease with dry cough, runny nose, a temperature above 38.5 ° C and probably feeling very badly. A rash begins on the fourth or fifth day of the illness, usually on the face and on the chest and arms.

"Measles is a highly infectious disease.If you think you have measles symptoms, it is essential that you do not go to your GP office, in an emergency room or after a clinic. your office or your Healthline phone line for advice, "Jack says.

"People are contagious from five days before the onset of rash to five days after the onset of rash and must remain isolated during this period.This means staying home from home. School or work and not have contact with non-immune people.

"If your vaccinations are up-to-date, you will be protected and if in doubt, you can check your immunization status with your family doctor or doctor."

People were considered immunized if they had received two doses of MMR (measles, mumps, rubella) vaccine, had they ever had measles, or were born before 1969. MMR was available from your family practice and was free for eligible people, although an administration may charge.

More information on measles is available at the following address:

More information on New Zealand's vaccination schedule:

Anyone with these symptoms or who thinks they have been exposed can contact Healthline 0800 611 116 (free and 24 hours a day) for further advice.

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