Slice of the high virgin country of the South Island "should finally become national park"
Last Updated: 21:07, 31 July 2018
A river runs through it: Mt White Station has everything for the outdoors.
A controversial highland land that has been mired in uncertainty for nearly 100 years should finally become a national park, said Minister of Land Information Eugenie Sage. Lukas Travnicek, a businessman of Czech origin, was sold to his company, Southern Ranges Ltd, to acquire the 40,000-hectare sheep and beef farm of the Overseas Investment Office ( OIO), which is part of Land Information New Zealand (Linz)
Travnicek, a permanent resident here, has been in his home country since May last year but must live indefinitely in New Zealand as a condition of ownership of the property. 19659007] READ MORE:
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Deputy Director General of Crown Property, Jerome Sheppard, stated that current public access to the station and the protection of its conservation values would continue
. from Riversdale Flats, nearly 1,000 acres of land that were set aside in 1901 to be included in a national park but not incorporated into Arthur's Park National Park when it was established in 1929 but grazed and rented as part of the station. businessman Lukas Travnicek, promised to preserve and maintain the farm and natural assets of Mt White Station … "title =" "src =" https: //resources.stuff.×349.1r1nod.png/1533028053147.jpg "class =" photoborder "/>
Czech businessman Lukas Travnicek promised to preserve and maintain the farm and natural assets of the Mt White Station near the Arthur Pass
Linz, the Ministry of Conservation (DOC) and representatives of Travnicek will meet on Friday to begin discussions on its future.
Travnicek was "quite willing" to Sheppard said that he was "very confident" that an agreement could be found.
"For the time being, any activity on this earth – crop or soil disturbance – should be approved by Linz and DOC," We want to make sure the values of native biodiversity are kept in Riversdale Flats. "
The Mt White Station Has Been In The Same Family For Nearly 100 Years
Sage has stated that Riversdale involved complex and competing legal issues, but was encouraged by Travnicek's diplomatic position.7] She said Stuff / The Press : "I would like to see it as part of the national park. That's where it belongs …
"It's very important in terms of landscapes from the Waimakariri Upper Basin and landscapes that cross the Waimakariri River up to Mount White – this makes part of this high mountain landscape continues. "
The Minister of Land Information, Eugenie Sage, wants the farm management to continue as usual under the direction of the current director, who is there for 20 years, without loss of employment.
The Minister of Land Information, Eugenie Sage, wants a disputed parcel of land on the resort to become a national park.
Investments will be made to ensure its long-term viability. economic sustainability "and" preservation of the natural environment of the property ", and there was the promise" that there will be no intensive agriculture or milk conversion to large scale.
He said, "Lukas is also a committee to work with the Commissioner of Crown Lands (CCA) to formalize existing physical roads through Riversdale Flats to ensure continued public access. "
Concerns were raised last year, including by Sage, about the possibility of Mt White Station ending up in the hands of foreign owners, such as the purchase of the Hunter Valley Resort near Wanaka. by American presenter Matt Lauer
Travnicek, whose wife and children are New Zealand citizens, obtained permanent residence in November 2013.
After returning to the Czech Republic in May 2017, Mr. Linz stated that his children – who had previously attended Taranaki School – could reconnect with their family, culture and language, making him a "stranger"
The Mt White Station is a pristine parcel of country land.
He must return here within 12 months and remain indefinitel As a permanent resident, he was not required to show New Zealanders the benefits he derived from the purchase of the land, including walking access, and the OIO could so
Sage stated that Travnicek was not a foreign investor and that his purchase of the station did not expose any gap in the law.
And Sheppard compared the situation to "a property on the market". The statement by the representatives of Travnicek says that he and his family have "close ties" with New Zealand and that they are "entirely devoted to the preservation and maintenance of the farm and its property. natural. "
At the entrance is the Mont Blanc Bridge where thousands of athletes must pass during the multisport race.
Mt White Station includes 39,337ha of Crown Pastoral Lease and 678ha of freehold land in Bealey, near Arthur's Pass.
It is shadow at the 27.242ha Mt Pember station, sold in 2013 to a group of North American investment for $ 30 million
The sale price has not been published yet , but the Turnbull family, owner of the Mt White Station for 90 years, will likely experience a considerable increase
An AB 663 locomotive fires a cargo of TranzScenic wagons at Mt White Bridge, near Arthur's Pass.
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