The results of Cimpress (NASDAQ: CMPR) were rather positive this week, according to Accern Sentiment Analysis. By reviewing more than twenty million news sources and blogs, Accern ranks public companies on a scale from negative to positive, with the closest scores being the most favorable.Cimpress scored 0.12 on the # 39, scale of Accern. Media coverage of the business service provider was estimated at 45.005348908254 out of 100, which means that recent media coverage is not expected to affect the stock price over the next few days .
CMPR: BidaskClub updated the Cimpress shares from a "hold" note to a "buy" note in a research note on Wednesday, June 20th. note to a "wait" note in a research note on Wednesday, May 2nd. SunTrust Banks revalued its rating and set a price target of $ 144.00 on Cimpress shares in a research report on Tuesday, May 8th. Aegis revalued its "sale" rating and set a price target of $ 114.00 on Cimpress shares in a research report on Tuesday, May 8th. Finally, Barrington Research set a price target of $ 165.00 on Cimpress shares and awarded the stock a "buy" rating in a research report on Thursday, May 24th. An investment analyst has rated the stock with a sales rating, three have issued a reserve note and two have awarded a purchase note to the stock. The stock currently has a consensual "Hold" rating and a consensus price target of $ 140.00.
Cimpress opened at $ 147.88 on Friday, reports Marketbeat.com. The company has a ratio of 0.40, a ratio of 0.54 and a debt ratio of 9.51. The company has a market capitalization of $ 4.54 billion, a price / earnings ratio of -110.36, a P / E / G ratio of 2.37 and a beta of -0.14. Cimpress has a low of fifty-two weeks of $ 80.61 and a high of fifty-two weeks of $ 171.76.
Cimpress (NASDAQ: CMPR) last published its quarterly results on Wednesday, May 2nd. The business service provider reported ($ 0.07) earnings per share for the quarter, with the exception of Zacks' consensus estimate of $ 0.17 ($ 0.24). The company achieved a turnover of $ 636.07 million for the quarter, compared with $ 615.66 million for analysts. Cimpress had a return on equity of 28.27% and a net margin of 0.65%. Company revenues increased 15.5% from one year to the next. In the same quarter last year, the company posted earnings per share of $ 1.38. Equity research analysts predict that Cimpress will post EPS of 1.62 for the current year.
In another Cimpress news, Katryn Blake, an insider, sold 9,297 shares of the company during a transaction on Monday, May 7. The shares were sold at an average price of $ 140.61, for a total transaction of $ 1,307,251.17. As a result of the closing of the transaction, the insider now directly owns 15,776 shares of the Company, valued at $ 2,218,263.36. The transaction was disclosed in a document filed with the Securities & Exchange Commission, which is accessible via this hyperlink. In addition, CFO Sean Edward Quinn sold 776 shares of the company during a transaction on Thursday, May 31. The stock was sold at an average price of $ 138.49, for a total transaction of $ 107,468.24. The disclosure for this sale can be found here. Insiders sold 14,721 shares valued at $ 2,063,580 in the last 90 days. 18.80% of the stock is currently owned by insiders of the company.
About Cimpress
Cimpress NV is a company based in North America, Europe, Australia, New Zealand, South America, Asia-Pacific and the United States. world. It individually aggregates custom orders for a range of printing products, signage, clothing and related products, primarily via the Internet. The company operates through four segments: Vistaprint, Upload and Print, Pen National and all other activities
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