SunLive – $ 2.3 Billion Bill to Replace the Aging Fleet


The government announced its new fleet of aircraft to replace its aging Orion aircraft.

Defense Minister Ron Mark announced the $ 2.346 billion Boeing P8 Poseidon fleet in Parliament today. They will begin operations from 2023.

"The purchase allows the Defense Force to continue to provide maritime surveillance, resource protection, humanitarian assistance and disaster response around New Zealand and South Pacific ".

"An example of the requirement of a fully capable maritime patrol aircraft is simply the number of lives that can be saved."

Cabinet ministers were reviewing the decision this morning.

The Boeing P-8A Poseidon Maritime Patrol Aircraft be purchased from the United States Government and replace the six old P-3K2 Orion maritime patrol aircraft operated by the Royal New Zealand Air Force since the 1960s

RNZ revealed that the Defense Force had spent about the maintenance and repair of its Orion and Hercules aircraft over the last decade

The Orion fleet will reach the end of their expected operational life in 2025.

Orion's maritime patrols helped save 119 lives, "said Mark.

The role of maritime patrol aircraft includes:

  • • Support maritime surveillance, humanitarian assistance and disaster response

  • • Contribute to order based on international rules participating in global peace and security operations

  • • Search and Rescue in the New Zealand region extending from the South Pole to Ecuador

"Maintaining a maritime patrol capability is essential for New Zealand's national security and for our ability to contribute to global security efforts," said Mark Mark, Director of Defense. Orion fleet.

"There are two things about the runway, one is that it's too short for the plane." The government will also consider options for more maritime surveillance, including including the smallest manned aircraft, during a defense review at the end of the year. "

releases the new P-8A fleet to perform more missions in the South Pacific and at the end of the year. "Mr. Mark said

Mr. Mark said that because of his commercial sensitivity, he could not name the other options and their cost

" But no matter how I look this case, this plane is doing it all alone and at the end of the day it's only the option that offers all the capabilities. "

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