SunLive – $ 69k Amassed for Tauranga Rescue Helicopter


The Westpac Chopper appeal raised $ 69,609.85 for the Trustpower TECT rescue helicopter while donations from across the country were added to the $ 1.22 million harvested this year. year.

All Westpac Chopper Appeal Donations Redistributed to 16 Rescue Helicopters Simon Power says the total funds raised are due to the hard work and dedication of Westpac staff, volunteers and all those who donated so generously money. This year, Helicopter's attraction has been centered on the concept of "Chopper Country" and on the safety of people who go out and live their lives fully in New Zealand's great outdoors, which is the only way to get the most out of the world. they work or not. "We were blown away by the success of the Westpac Chopper Call this year again," says Trustpower TECT Rescue Helicopter. Liam Brettkelly, Base Manager and Pilot

"The passion and enthusiasm of the Westpac team and its customers for the support of the Trustpower TECT rescue helicopter are truly appreciated [19659004] "The funds raised will help us to continue to be present. community, when and where they need us. "

Donations are welcome throughout the year and can be made at or any branch of Westpac.

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