SunLive – Defense Force helps crackdown on cocaine in Fiji


The New Zealand Defense Force lent a hand to the Fijian authorities to recover over 12 kilograms of cocaine found on an isolated island last week.

Lieutenant Benjamin Flight, Commander of Coastal Patrol Vessel HMNZS According to Taupo, members of the ship's crew retrieved the illicit drugs from an island belonging to the Fiji group at Lau, as a result from a request from the Customs and Revenue Service of Fiji

. HMNZS Taupo, who is currently conducting joint maritime patrols with the Navy of the Republic of Fiji and other Fijian law enforcement agencies in Fiji, hauled the cocaine cache to the Fijian capital of Suva early Friday before retaking police custody. Peaches

Fiji police tested the salvaged packages and confirmed that they contained cocaine.

"Although our maritime patrols We also support the coercive measures taken by other Fijian agencies."

Visvanath Das, Chief Executive Officer of the Fiji Customs and Revenue Service, says that the joint operation sends a clear message. [19659004"Lesautoritésfidjiennessontdéterminéesàprotégerlesfrontièresdenotrepaysetnepermettrontpasqu'ellessoientutiliséescommetransitoucommedestinationpourlesdroguesillicitesLasurveillancedescommunautéscôtièresetdesmersestundéfipermanentpourlesdouanes

" However, with the & # 39;. Help and cooperation of island communities, we can protect our borders against the illicit trade "

In June NZDF helped the authorities to implement coastal fisheries regulations, protect fisheries resources and monitor the borders of the South Pacific country.

For the second year in a row, the NZDF has deployed a coastal patrol to help Fiji patrol Zone further 1.2 million square kilometers

Fiji Department of Fisheries and Revenue and Customs officials conduct inspections

Coast Guard Patrol Crew Members Royal New Zealand HMNZS Taupo and staff from the Fiji Revenue and Customs Service are wading to the remote island where more than 12 kg of cocaine were found last week.

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