Survivor NZ recap: "You're an idiot" – A grudge continues, and an idol of hidden immunity shakes the game | 1 NEWS


Previously on Survivor NZ: With old alliances disintegrating, Tess felt isolated and lonely, while Matt's confidence was at its highest level. A spirited tribal council saw the tribe turn against Renee and she was rejected

Phsan to the reward challenge.

Source: 1 NEWS

Dave is worried about Renee's speech against him at the Tribal Council damaging his game and he is taking him back to camp. He immediately regrets doing this, and although he should, Adam says "Dave is a liar and he has to go after".

However, for Matt the game goes as planned and he feels happy with his place in the last seven. Less sure of Matt's place is Lisa, she sees him as a huge threat and wants him to next tribal.

"I'm going to receive a reward in my belly"

Adam is pumped for the challenge of the award because he has not won anything for a while and is hungry.

It's definitely worth winning, a chocolate feast offered by host Matt Chisholm. Survivors have to balance a bowl of corn on a pole that is getting longer and harder to balance

Focusing on chocolate

Source: 1 NEWS

Everyone gives up and it's all over. is Dave and Eve, literally fighting for all the chocolates.

Eve is holding on to win and now she will have a big decision to make, who does she share the treats with? Woe to her if she does not choose Adam!

Unsurprisingly she chooses Adam and avoids some unpleasant looks, she also chooses Dave to appreciate the reward, because he came in second place.

Adam is chosen. [19659003] Source: 1 NEWS

After winning the reward challenge, Matt decides that Eve is too physical a threat and that she has been pushed back onto her list of targets.

She may need to gain immunity tonight to ensure her safety.

Not everyone sails for Dave either, Adam sticks a little bit more on the challenge of the reward but deep down he still says "you're an idiot" when he thinks of him. Not on the list of Christmas cards then

Some plans being hatched before tribal then, Matt wants Eve, Lisa wants Matt and Adam wants Dave

"Survivor bucket list moment"

This will make things interesting, while for a discussion in the forest, Matt and Lisa find an idol of immunity at the same time.

However, Matt is the one who climbs to the tree and catches the idol. He buries it in his underwear and that means it's his and he will not share it with Lisa as he told him. I certainly can not see her arrive there to catch him anyway.

It could make it difficult for Lisa to dismiss Matt at the tribal council now, or it would make him too confident and trip him up. 19659005] All on the line with immunity

As always immunity is crucial, the challenge is in three stages with the first three to fight for the necklace.

Tess and Dave fight against immunity

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Matt, Tess and Dave arrive in the final and move a piece of bamboo through an obstacle course, but Matt l & rsquo; tears off and it's going to sabotage Lisa's plans to get rid of "I feel devastated that Matt has gained that immunity," says Lisa, time for a plan b now.

With the necklace around his neck, it looks like Matt is wading his way and Eve is coming home, this is Survivor though and whatever may happen.

Matt gains immunity.

Source: 1 NEWS

Eve breaks down in tears at the tribal council, fearing that she will go after. It shows how much the game means to her.

She says that "it's really heartbreaking to have people withdrawing from alliances."

Torture on other Survivors' Faces speaks volumes while Eve's & # 39; 39; collapses. However, Adam then tells Eve that he has never talked about strategy with her before.

This causes an ultimate call from Eve for Adam to save her and send Dave packing. I do not think he needs much persuasion to get Dave out ..

The discussions are over and Eve's pleas have fallen on deaf ears then that she becomes the fourth member of the jury.

Dave survives another vote The big question is: will Lisa get another shot at Matt next week?

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List of Survivors and voting:

Adam, 28, Self-Employed, Auckland
Arun, 30 years old, Dairy producer , Waikato (rejected episode 8)
Brad, 27, school teacher, Nelson (released episode 9)
Dave, 26, Clinical Pharmacist, Auckland
Dylan , 26 years old, retail manager, Whangarei (elected episode 7)
Eve, 26, hiking guide, Auckland (elected episode 11)
Franky, 24, Journalist, Auckland (Eliminated episode 3)
Josefien, 23, Audio Producer Post, Blenheim (Eliminated episode 1)
Josh, 28 years old, Chartered Acct, New Plymouth (rejected episode 6)
JT, 32, project manager, Manawatu (left for medical reasons)
Karla, 37, journalist, Palmer ston North episode 2)
Kaysha, 24, social worker, Horowhenua (released episode 4)
Liam, 23, videographer, Tauranga (rejected episode 5)
Lisa, 38 years old, school Librarian, Christchurch
Matt, 25 years old, rocket technician, Auckland
Renee, 28 years old, real estate agent, Auckland (elected episode 10)
Tara, 44 years old, Mom full-time, Hamilton
Tess, 24, head of office, Christchurch

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