Tauranga City Council agrees to evaluate the Marine Park as a new university research site


The Tauranga City Council unanimously agreed to evaluate the Sulfur Point Marine Park Recreational Reserve as a potential new site for marine research and educational institution. University of Waikato. The Marine Research Center of the University in Tauranga, "working on the best option for the general public as well as the university and other stakeholders."

The development required a site of about 5600m2

a virgin state-owned site at Sulfur Point, adjacent to the Tauranga sport fishing club, sparked opposition from the boas Tauranga

Read more: The Tauranga City Council is in a hurry to refuse the university research site

9-2 defeat by the council today.

Councilors instead agreed to allow board staff and the university to evaluate and identify a potential site for

The evaluation will include feedback through A public consultation process

Mason said that the assessment would give the board a clear picture of a potential location before the final review of the long-term lease.

] "When we asked the public earlier this year, responses to support identified the opportunity for tertiary education in marine science and engineering, with the benefit of for Tauranga as a whole. "

He said that the facility would not only provide economic development opportunity for the city, but would also offer unique tertiary education opportunities to New Zealand, "allowing young people to get out of the country. study courses here in Tauranga ".

Council stated that existing and planned marine park activities would be considered for the new assessment.

The University of Waikato approached Tauranga City Council in early 2017 to work collaboratively to establish an internationally sought after multidisciplinary research and education center near the center. Sulfur Point City

The Council has designated one of the open spaces of Northern Sulfur Point as the most practicable site.

earlier this year on the proposal to lease long-term identified land, which was at the entrance of the marina at Sulfur Point.

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