Tegel suspends plans to build a mega-chicken farm


Poultry giant Tegel suspended its request to build the country's largest chicken farm in Northland.

  A view of Maungaraho near Arapohue.

A view of Maungaraho near Arapohue.
Photo: Delivered

Tegel had applied for resource approvals to raise nine million birds a year, partly in stables, 12 kilometers south of Dargaville, near the Wairoa River North. In a memorandum, Tegel asks Northland Regional Council and Kaipara District Council to suspend its application in order to address the concerns expressed in their reports.

"The reports contained a constructive assessment of the request and raised, in particular, certain issues which require further work.

" In order to answer some of the constructive points raised, more time is needed to obtain the necessary information to deal with these points.

Councils accepted request for suspension

In his original plans, the sheds of the farm would be almost as long as a rugby pitch and 20 meters wide. be stored with 1.3 million chickens at a time.

In his application, Tegel planned to incinerate the waste and make the farm self-sufficient in energy.

The Kaipara community opposes the farm, citing concerns about noise, odor, pollution and the possible effects on land values ​​in the small rural community.

The neighboring Kaepehu marae also opposes development, which adjoins its urupa (cemetery)

for August 8 will also be postponed.

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