Terrifying moment, the hang gliding instructor forget to tie the passenger


"I was just trying to stay calm, I was trying to stay alive," said Mr. Gursky. Hello America.

"I looked down once and I thought to myself:" That's it, I'm going to fall in my death. "I'm a goner."

He grabbed the metal bar with one hand and grabbed his instructor from the other, but began to slip.

"I did not have a lot of grip in me, my hand was opening, I was slipping in. I had his pants leg and that's just about it all," he said. he declares.

He finally managed to hold until the pilot could land in a field.

"I looked down to see my feet hit first, which flew me to about 45 mph, as the landing was hot and I was under the train. # 39; landing. "

He escaped with his life, but not without injury. He fractured his wrist and tore the tendon of the left bicep.

But he says he does not blame the pilot who forgot to follow the security checks.

"I've gone beyond that phase, he's done everything he could and more, he's a good man," he said. Cross-country skiing magazine.


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