The best golf job in the world?


Visit Scotland offers incredible work for two weeks playing the best courses in the country, here's how …

The best golf job in the world?

Are you a free golf player in the first two weeks of September? It's for you.

Visit Scotland offers a dream job, where you play two rounds of golf in each of the seven regions of the country for 14 days.

You will get your best golf buddy. receive £ 750 each and get 14 different courses in 14 days, including a Ryder Cup tournament (either Gleneagles or Muirfield) and the second round of the Golf Digest World Rankings (Royal Dornoch).

  Royal Dornoch Golf Club Championship Race Write a review on the Royal Dornoch Golf Course

Royal Dornoch

Check out the job description in Scotland and how to apply for what might be the best golf job in the world …

? You might be about to switch to this dream job. We offer a lucky individual a golf job with a difference, although it is not an official job and only temporary for two weeks but who cares?

Scotland is & nbsp; The House of Gol f & # 39; it's here that the game has started and is one of the best, if not the best golf destination on the planet.

  Golf Tourism Value of £ 286 million in Scotland

Old St Andrews Race

We are looking for the right candidate to play golf in all 7 golf regions around Scotland in an extravaganza of golf. By playing some of the best courses, discovering unique golf experiences, tasting our amazing Scottish hospitality, food, drinks and much more.

We are now accepting applications for this two-week work. way. What is the trap? Just a little – we need to get you working a bit by creating amazing content on the courses, where you stay, where you eat and the places you explore, all to fulfill a golfer's dream Scotland Golf Guide

  Gleneagles 2019 Solheim Cup

Gleneagles PGA Centenary

The lucky winner will play a Ryder Cup Venue, a course where The Open started, the second course in the world has voted by Golf Digest and many others.

To apply, we need you to create a short video rereading your own course or any course in the most fun way (the video should last between 60 and 90 seconds). cameras or whatever works best for you.

Let's see your presentation skills by applying here

Trump International Golf Links Scotland Photos

Links Trump International Golf

Now go see our short promo video above and let yourself be inspired! [19659004] The Job *:

  • Play 2 rounds of golf in each of the 7 regions and bring your best golfer friend.
  • 14 rounds and 14 days in total.
  • Visit other golf courses at
  • Explore some of the 19 areas th Hole offering the best in food and beverages
  • Create Vlogs for YouTube as well as Instagram posts and stories throughout the day and other forms of media you can think of.
  • Create a complete golf guide at the end of the trip; This will be through a blog as well as the YouTube video of your Scotland adventure Home of Golf
  • All golf tee times and lunch courses are provided as well as B & B accommodation and car hire / travel to Scotland
  • will receive an allowance of £ 750.00GBP each for the duration of your trip


  • Goes live on July 9
  • Applications close 27 th July [19659026] Announced Winner 3 ] August
  • Two weeks in Scotland start on Saturday 1st – Sunday 16th September

* All conditions available

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