The breakup of the metal band is totally metal


A Canadian group of doom metal announced its separation in the most brutal way.

WITCHROT, based in Toronto, announced the news on Facebook on November 25, just over a month after the release of its eponymous EP.

The stoner, the seemingly short-lived sludge group, who describes himself as "hex, drugs and rock and roll" seems to be on a "prolonged break" after an irreconcilable drama that has hit his limbs.

Because of the sad reality of our guitarist fucks my girlfriend of almost 7 years, WITCHROT will take a …

Posted by Witchrot on Sunday, November 25, 2018

Member Peter Turik wrote this dark announcement that says: "Because of the sad reality of our guitarist with my girlfriend for almost 7 years, WITCHROT will take a prolonged break.

Peter then wrote that he was "ripe for hatred" and hoped to continue the group in another space and in another time.

"The music goes slowly and, without a doubt, will become the most devastating and torturous music I've ever created," he wrote before signing with thanks and "staying heavy ".

However, that was not all, he added a last line at the bottom of the page saying: "In addition, our drummer is dead."

There are no other details about said drummer, including the cause of death.

The message included the picture of a guitar crashed into a garbage pile, just in case you did not already feel the rage.

The publication and music of WITCHROT have since attracted a lot of attention. Even though they will not be together soon, they have certainly gained new fans through this announcement.

Take a listen below. It's almost as brutal as breaking.

WITCHROT – Witchrot (EP 2018 complete)

WITCHROT – Witchrot (Full EP 2018) Designed from a night of devils fed on drugs, this is an original Doom / Psych / Sludge / Stoner rock band from Toronto, Canada. The band has just released their own album, recorded at Candle Studios (Fucked Up, METZ, Dilly Dally). WITCHROT Toronto, Ontario Attachment Area

Posted by Weedian on Saturday, October 27, 2018

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