The concerned World Rugby referees have too much confidence in the TMO | 1 NEWS


The world rugby officials will review the excessive use of the TV match official and could make changes as early as November to restore power to the men in the middle.

This decision follows a review of the TMO system announced last week by SANZAAR, the governing body of the Southern Hemisphere, which admitted to having "some challenges" in the Super Rugby and Test Drives. the international window of June

"There is probably too much confidence in TMO", Brett, World Rugby. Gosper told the media in San Francisco

"The feeling in the room is that we would like the referees, themselves, to take a little more control."

"It's something we're going to work on." We think we have the ability to act quickly, perhaps having a different protocol ready to be tested in November, potentially. "

The TMO and the disciplinary process surrounding the issuance of red cards have been the subject of scrutiny in recent weeks." Hemisp

Andy Marinos, CEO of SANZAAR, has said last week that he thought the referees had to regain control of the games, the TMO providing a "backdrop to the officials' decision-making."

Gosper The World Rugby Review does not flow from a series of incidents in the southern hemisphere competitions that sparked the debate.

"It was not about these tests of June, though that was not the case. there were particularly strong points of view in the southern hemisphere. "We evaluate everything in each window – protocols, forensics, injuries – and that's part of the process."

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