The Council has made many changes to the independent audit of the Central Urban Park


Numerous attempts have been made by Hamilton City Council staff to amend an independent audit report of the processes followed to enlarge Victoria Park on the river

Richard Briggs, General Manager, Hamilton City Council . David Bryant made separate and repeated attempts to correct the draft report before sending it back to Audit NZ, e-mails published in Herald under the Information Act and Official Local Government Meetings [19659003]. Briggs has only contacted real estate developers Matt Stark and Leonard Gardner – of 36 affected landowners – about his plans to buy and demolish the buildings. between the current Victoria on the River Central Park and the Embassy Park.

Assigned Staff and Mayor Received Interim Report Early The full report, which at the end of June cost $ 25,416.65, was presented to the Mayor on July 11 and will be presented to the Council on Thursday. next.

Briggs He told advisors, in an email dated June 25, that he had been fighting for corrections and that this was one of the reasons why the report had not been presented to them on June 26 or 28 as he had promised. number of attempts to correct the Audit NZ report, including raising the same points by David (Bryant) and then myself, and only after the persistence proving that they were incorrect, they made some changes.

The ball is now with NZ Audit. This back and forth took a long time.

Briggs later told Herald that auditors were in the habit of asking for comments or clarifications.

"A number of people were interviewed on the report and comments were provided at different times to NZ Audit. NZ audit responded and staff again provided feedback to ensure factual statements were accurate.

Some councilors, in the series of emails between the elected members, the director general and the mayor, have

Councilor Rob Pascoe Pascoe asked if it was "possible to conclude that the audit report NZ is unfavorable in its conclusion on the actions of council staff and / or elected members ", given the Council's silence on

Councilor Geoff Taylor stated that the progress and timing of the audit report had been" rather long and tortuous "and that they wanted to see it at some point

Herald Andrew King only gave his comments to NZ Audit that a few days before the report be presented to the board.

Counsel also denied repeated requests from Herald to provide a scope of review until the release of the report, as it could adversely affect the commercial position of the person who provided the information or who was the subject of the information.

King has already defended the process taken by the director general of the council and did not think that he had done something wrong, but said that the only way to stop the 'foxes nibbling heels from the "general manager" was to devote a lot of time and money to an audit.

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