The display of fireworks could be canceled because of a whale in Wellington Harbor


The whale in Wellington could be canceled this weekend.

Wellington City Council seeks advice from whale experts as to whether it should fire on Saturday night, given that a southern whale has made port

sections concerned have discussed the issue on Facebook, a survey revealing that 83 percent of respondents would support postponement or even cancellation because of the whale

"We are not whale experts, we do not know not if the fireworks will affect the whale, "said council spokesman Richard MacLean

  The ferry passengers approached the whale this morning. Photo / Sean Gillespie
Ferry passengers approached the whale this morning. Photo / Sean Gillespie

"That's why we're talking today at DoC, Niwa too."

People on social media worried that the sound of fireworks would scare the whale, he said. is part of the city's Matariki ki Pōneke celebrations, which have been taking place since mid-June.

A warning should be issued asking people to "stop harassing the whale," says MacLean.

followed around the harbor by a flotilla of boats. "

Kayakers and paddleboarders were also trying to get a glimpse of the whale, but some observers were getting too close.

" The way it comes out of the water obviously does "

The rare whale was sighted Tuesday in the harbor and delighted the locals

Wildlife advisor and photographer Simon Woolf captured an amazing photo of the whale drilling in front of the hive while he was trying to take a panora A photo of the city.

"I've never seen anything like this … this whale is just having the best time, they would not do this kind of offense if they did not have fun" , he said.

"It stopped Wellington, there are still people at the water's edge

" People say they can not believe how much it is fortunate that they have a whale in the harbor, people are so happy, it is in full winter.

While Woolf was taking his pictures this morning, there were also seals in the harbor and swans passing

. like something on a cruise in Alaska.

"You do not get that kind of shooting every day."

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