The economic benefits of the west coast rail link are explored


A study of a potential KiwiRail service between Hokitika and Westport hopes to reveal an increase in regional jobs and profits.

The study will last from three to four months and will examine how much service could boost tourism in

KiwiRail sales director Alan Piper says they already drive 46 million people in the regions each year, and that they are looking to develop that.

"In particular, this will encourage people to stay longer in the area." KiwiRail should reveal regional benefits in service by gathering research with Air New Zealand, Christchurch Airport and others. Business developers, and local iwi is a vital player in research and their role is highly valued.

"We are going to do most of the work now to get into the detailed analysis in order to prove an analysis. Profitability for the Government. "

The results of the study will determine whether KiwiRail fo passes through the service.


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