The examination of sexual misconduct at Russell McVeagh relieves fears of expressing


The woman who led hundreds of students in a march to Russell McVeagh's office in Wellington early in the year hopes that a high-level review will pave the way for change.

   Bethany Paterson, a fifth-year law student

who was a law student at Victoria University, led hundreds of students in protest against the government's use of Russell McVeagh.
Photo: RNZ / Katie Scotcher

Lady Margaret Bazley describes trial and error, excessive alcohol consumption, sexual misconduct and intimidation in her scathing criticism of the law firm. Lawyers Russell McVeagh – published yesterday.

was "out of control" and one staff member stated that he discovered the extent of past sexual misconduct in the office as "as if a bomb had exploded in the office."

Bethany Paterson, a law student at Victoria University, said that she read the 89-page Russell McVeagh culture report.

Ms. Paterson said that a lot has changed since she led the march earlier this year.

"I remember before the march this could jeopardize my career in law and other law careers – I know that many other students were afraid to walk, and I think a lot of these fears are now eased, "said Ms. Paterson

. Since 1965, the firm made headlines in February after revelations that Paterson University employees were allegedly sexually assaulted in the company. two years ago.

Soon after, an external examination was requested. The results of this were published yesterday.

Lady Margaret found the first allegations of a Christmas party in Wellington late 2015.

Four college students told her that they were kissed and kissed by a male partner of l & # 39; company.

They felt intimidated, confused and uncomfortable – and at that time they did not know what had happened between them

The magazine details two other incidents of Sexual misconduct involving summer clerks. "The young people who were involved in these outrageous incidents and who had the courage to express themselves were a catalyst for change for Russell McVeagh and the legal profession at large," Lady Margaret said, "I hope that the proposed changes ensure that future generations of young lawyers will be safe and able to reach their full potential. "

All six The university's university law faculties temporarily cut ties with the company following this year's revelations.

But next month, deans from all over countries will meet representatives of Russell McVeagh to determine their future relationship with the company Chancellor Grant Guilford said the report was a step in the right direction.

"With the honesty of the report, with the willingness to accept all the recommendations here and of course what we will look for, as we begin to recommence this relationship and develop in the future, is that these recommendations are respected and are actually implemented. "

Once the news broke out, the use of corporate government was questioned.

In late February, National MP Melissa Lee, National Member of Parliament 39, Innovation and Employment, asked about the government's relationship with Russell McVeagh

. Russell McVeagh provides legal services to 22 government agencies – earning $ 3.1 million over the course of the year. last fiscal year

Justice Minister Andrew Little was asked whether the government would cut ties with the firm now that the review was released. "The question is to chart a pattern and conduct and a culture within this professional services firm totally unacceptable, "said Mr. Little.

" You have to change your behavior – I'm not sure the government has found out "Mr. Little stated that the l & # 39; sexual misconduct at Ru ssell McVeagh was questioning the entire profession of lawyer, and that he would be looking for other lawyers.

As Minister of Justice, he was particularly interested in the Law Society and wondered if he had the authority and ability to respond to the allegations of wrongful conduct towards employees of law firms. ; lawyers. He said that there must be a place where these employees can go when they need help, and this is not necessarily the Law Society.

Dame Margaret's recommendations include an anti-bullying policy, a confidential mechanism to report cases of misconduct Russell McVeagh accepted the six-page recommendations. [19659099] [ad_2]
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