The Family Battle Shapes the Position of the Old All-Thorn Thorn on Drug Use


  Queensland Reds coach Brad Thorn's view on drugs is influenced by a family member


Brad Thorn revealed that his firm stance on drugs was influenced by his impact on his extended family.

Thorn's brother-in-law fought against drug addiction years ago, "

The former All Black now trains the Queensland Reds at Super Rugby. James Slipper was suspended for cocaine use and Karmichael Hunt was suspended for possession of Xanax. the current season of Super Rugby. Hunt had already been suspended in 2015 after pleading guilty to possession of cocaine.

Both players are now outside with Thorn, who told that cocaine was "a serious problem".

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"I know that probably these days People say it's more prevalent, but again, that's the Queensland Reds – this is part of the Queensland Rugby Union. [19659010] James Slipper was suspended for two months after testing positive for cocaine earlier this year ” title=”” src=”×349.1qsokz.png/1531451832796.jpg” class=”photoborder”/>

James Slipper was suspended for two months after testing positive for cocaine earlier this year.

" I do not want [lacocaïtes] tohearlythischildrenclubbythefamilychildrenwiththelipapa -Ifchildrenandchildrenmembersofthemostheartsandchildrenhavecorruptedproblems.It is a difficult step

"I know they call it party drugs, but we can call them as you see fit. mble – they cause problems in people's lives.

"I do not really want to talk about it too much because I want to respect my wife and her family – my family – I suppose.

" This is not great for society, we talk about it in newspapers and it's a challenge for society. "

  Karmichael Hunt was suspended for four weeks after pleading guilty to possession of the prescription drug Xanax earlier this ...


Karmichael Hunt was suspended for four weeks after pleading guilty to possession of the prescription drug Xanax earlier this year.

Thorn told that he was He was only doing not an example of Slipper and Hunt, but he set standards that he wanted all of his players to respect.

"There are a lot of young guys passing by and it's important to me that I do not know what to do." they have a good coaching of myself. "

" Even though I want them to become d e great players and make great careers, I also want them to be great and humble people.

– Tips

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