The lavish lifestyles of distressed staff members at National Australia Bank


She is married to a tradie and was now the chief of staff of the director of NAB Bank, but Rosemary Rogers managed to build a $ 6 million ($ 6.3 million) real estate portfolio and would have taken a vacation from $ 500,000.

While the fate of NAB's president, Andrew Thorburn, was sealed and the chairman of the bank board, Ken Henry, left the position today, the way of life of the staff member of the former Chief Executive Officer is now in the spotlight.

As ordinary Australians struggled to buy a house in the housing boom that was now deflating, NAB was making billions of dollars in profits and offering lavish benefits to its leaders.

NAB executives are renowned for their extravagant vacations as part of a package of benefits including exclusive US retreats and luxury weekends at Australian wineries and resorts.

But it is the acquisitions of the former NAB executive assistant that made eyebrows.

According to nine newspapers, the police were investigating allegations that Rogers had ordered from the bank for A $ 500,000 to fund a luxury hotel vacation for herself and others. confirmed that New South Wales police searched their $ 3.8 million Rogers home in the suburbs of Melbourne's suburb of Williamstown last December.

Rosemary Rogers at the 2010 NAB Private Wealth Taste of Tennis event. Photo / Provided
Rosemary Rogers at the 2010 NAB Private Wealth Taste of Tennis event. Photo / Provided

Police are investigating whether a lack of surveillance inside the Thorburn office has led to the alleged fraud, Fairfax said.

In NSW, the state's anti-crime leadership, Napthali, also investigates allegations of multi-million dollar commercial fraud after charges of overcharging and bribery NAB.

Investigators were informed of a system whereby a person would allegedly receive corrupt commissions to authorize the payment by a financial institution of invoices for a contractor exceeding the agreed value of the contract.

Last April, working on three search warrants, he raided the offices of Human Group in Sydney, whose CEO, Helen Rosamond, worked closely with Ms. Rogers to organize executive events for NAB, reported Australian Financial Review.

Last November, it was revealed that Thorburn had taken a luxury vacation on a private island in Fiji, where rooms cost between A $ 6,000 and A $ 45,000 per night, The Sydney Morning Herald reported.

The party would have been organized by Rogers and his revelation among those of the customer business by the banking sector puts a question mark on Thorburn.

It is not suggested that Thorburn has knowledge of wrongdoing.

Rogers bought his trophy at Williamstown with a NAB mortgage.

She resigned from NAB after working for years as executive assistant to former CEO Cameron Clyne and then Thorburn's chief of staff.

Men in suits arrive at Rosemary Rogers in Williamstown. Photo / News Corp Australia
Men in suits arrive at Rosemary Rogers in Williamstown. Photo / News Corp Australia

Commissioner Ken Hayne singled out NAB for its toughest criticism in the Royal Bank Inquiry.

Hayne said NAB "stood out" from the other three big banks.

He asked if Thorburn and NAB President Ken Henry had learned from past conduct.

"I was not convinced that the NAB was willing to accept the responsibility to decide for itself what to do, and then for its staff to act accordingly," he said. -he declares.

He blamed Thorburn for failing to properly recognize NAB's fault by charging fees for any service.

"I thought Thorburn was treating all service-less pricing problems as nothing more than negligence combined with system failures when the total amount to be repaid by NAB and NULIS on this account is likely to exceed $ 100 million. Australians, "said Hayne. I said.

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