"The light of my world is extinguished": the victim's partner of awareness is faced with a tragic loss at the Waikato Hospital



Erin Nelson will remember his brother for the way he has always helped and protected others.

The girlfriend of a man shot in a Hamilton home woke up at the hospital, upset by the heartbreaking reality that she faces.

Not only does Kahlee Marfell's five-year-old boyfriend die while protecting her, but one of their childhood friends is seriously ill in intensive care.

It was 1am when Kahlee and Robert Nelson ran into the room to hide. the shooter started shooting. Robert died while he was protecting Kahlee.

  Robert Nelson was shot dead in his girlfriend's house on Saturday night.


Robert Nelson was shot dead in his girlfriend's house on Saturday night.

It was only by chance that the three were in the suburbs of Hamilton that night

READ MORE: The police continue their investigations into the deadly shootings of the city. Hamilton man Robert Nelson

the house was "targeted", although the motive for the murder is unclear.


Robert Nelson was shot early Sunday, along with two others, including his girlfriend, who was seriously injured.
"The light of my world has been extinguished," Kahlee tells Erin Nelson, Robert's sister, from his hospital bed on Monday.

She and the friend in critical condition are both under police surveillance at the Waikato Hospital.

"I lost the love of my life and I do not know how to cope, it's going to be a team effort to move on," Erin relayed to Stuff.

  The Nelson family of Robert's pictures are now precious.


Robert's family photos are now precious.

The state of Kahlee improves, says Erin, even though she remains in serious condition.

"She's really shaken – absolutely devastated, as one can expect from what she's been through."

Robert, 23 years old Remembered as a hero for protecting his 20-year-old girlfriend from shootings at Kahlee Marfell's family home on the outskirts of Melville Saturday

  Erin Nelson shares family photos while remembering the heroism of her brother. ] CHRISTEL YARDLEY / STUFF </span>
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Erin Nelson shares family photos while remembering the heroism of his brother Robert

Robert and Kahlee met as a teenager and they had been together for about five years years.

Erin, 22, was Kahlee's best friend during a time when both were attending school in Fairfield.

Kahlee knew Erin's older brother and, after meeting at a party, had formed a relationship.


A 23-year-old man was killed and his girlfriend is one of two other people fighting for their lives in the hospital after the shooting at a Melville property.

"They had lived the best and the worst together – he had always adored her and always loved her," Erin tells on Monday.

"He's a hero, and he's always been like that – a protector -"

On Saturday night, Robert left his acting internship position at Keystone Bar at the south end of Victoria Street in Hamilton and went to see Kahlee

  Robert Nelson and Kahlee Marfell


Robert Nelson and Kahlee Marfell

He regularly stayed at the brick house on a small crescent street of a dozen of houses

but earlier in the evening, Erin said her mother, Dannette .Vrijs, had been trying to convince Robert and Kahlee to stay home.

"They had not seen him for a day or two, "said Erin from their parents." They had to stay home that night, but they ended up staying at Kahlee's. "


A person is still free after a fatal shooting in Hamilton early yesterday morning. Robert Nelson, twenty-three years old, was killed.

The 17-year-old seriously injured man was a childhood friend of Rob and Kahlee who, by chance, went through there Saturday night.

"He was going to stay with Kahlee from time to time as they were friends, but he had not been around for a while," Erin said.

"He was sort of doing what Robert did, trying to protect Kahlee."

"He is in a bad way."

And all three were caught in the crossfire.


Robert was the "guide" to Erin, a family man with a cheeky smile, he never judged people.

"The hardest thing to realize is that it's not there. We have not yet been able to see his body, so it is difficult to get a closure.

"He was a true family man and always put his family first."

The eldest of three children, Robert grew up between Hamilton and Ngāruawāhia. He attended the Forest Lake School before going to Fraser High School.

He made some mistakes early in his life, but he changed his life and trained to become a leader, said Erin.

"He really liked everyone – and that really pushed him to the bottom: he had friends all over the world, and he was a social butterfly."

"He was trying to figure out what he wanted to do."

Robert's father, Peter Nelson, says "proud of his son".

His mother Dannette said, "My son is gone, my life has left me."

"I do not know how we will live without him, but we will try to live for him."

The family had already had a difficult year with the death of their grandfather, whom Robert was close to.

Erin said that her brother had a dream – own house.

He was also a talented Muay Thai fighter, but knowing that he could not make a living, he found a job with Erin with Lawrenson. Group.

Being a hard worker saw him climb the ladder quickly, working in the kitchen at Keystone Restaurant while he was earning his chef skills.

And Lawrenson Group has become a family affair.

With Erin and Robert, their mother works at Victoria Street Bistro and younger brother Koenraad Nelson, 20, at Bluestone Steakhouse.

Erin could not thank the Lawrenson group enough for her support. Thousands of dollars were raised through a Givealittle page set up by spokesperson Aimee Lang.

"The band really loves and cares for him, and has done a lot for us," said Erin. "It was a shock for the entire Lawrenson group as a whole."

It was understood that Matthews Crescent's home was connected to the Mongrel Mob gang.

On Monday afternoon, the shooter remained free

. An autopsy was held Monday in Auckland and the family expects Robert's body to be released soon.

                     – Practical questions

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