"The most important fight in Joseph Parker's career," says David Higgins, Duco's boss


  Joseph Parker has beaten to unify three heavyweight titles against Anthony Joshua in Cardiff, but David Higgins says ..


Joseph Parker fought for the unification of three heavyweight titles against Anthony Joshua in Cardiff, but David Higgins says Saturday's game against Dillian Whyte is most important.

David Higgins is typically unequivocal. This fight may not contain either the belts or the status, or generate the wealth or bragging rights of his last, but Joseph Parker is about to make the biggest fall of his career.

. It's doing or breaking time. We are about to see if it will walk towards the light, or it will move away from it.

Yes, you heard right. Dillian Whyte is one of those moments of snakes and ladders that will be either very, very good for the Kiwi career of 26 years, or the Saturday night (Sunday morning NZ Time) at the same time. O2 Arena London.

  Dillian Whyte presents himself as a formidable opponent for Joseph Parker, but his promoter is confident that he can defeat


Dillian Whyte presents himself as a formidable opponent for Joseph. Parker, but his promoter is confident that he can defeat.

That's why the world of intelligent boxing is so captivated by this contest. O2 is out of stock and pay-per-view revenues are expected to be significant. True fans of soft science understand that it's about a quality fight between two men who need victory as much as the others, with heavy title ramifications, if not belts , on the line.

* Higgins has concerns of Judge
* "Punching with bad intentions"
* Parker: Joshua still makes excuses & # 39;
* Parker still hungry – Higgins
* Fury: Joshua's disgrace & # 39;

Win, and Parker is catapulted immediately into the world title fight conversation, almost even before he left it thanks to the April points defeat to Anthony Joshua in the the division 's biggest game for nearly a decade. ] But losing and Parker will tumble down this slippery slope, serpentine toward insignificance, with plenty to do and probably plenty of time to do it.

"This will be his most important fight yet," said Higgins at the Central London hotel that Team Parker has made its base in the UK. "It's more important than Joshua's fight because even though he did not beat Joshua, he still has a huge sold-out match at the O2 Arena, world television. and, if he wins this fight, he returns directly to the lead position .. a rematch with Joshua

"But he does not win this fight, it's a long road difficult after two consecutive defeats. So it's a critical fight for Joseph. It's a turning point in his career. "

The same logic applies to Parker's earnings potential: he is still able to generate multi-million dollar earnings in the UK, which has become his second home But a second consecutive loss facing a British heavyweight could seriously jeopardize this popularity: suddenly, the Kiwi-Samoan with quick hands and engaging smile will be another contender who will not be able to seal the deal.

Adds Higgins : "If he wins Saturday, he will gain much more respect from British boxing fans. But if he lost, people start to lose faith and then really have to get it back for many years.

"Wladimir Klitschko lost three times before his ten-year reign as world champion, are able to do that."

Not that Higgins is too concerned. Of course, he believes that his man will win. What is the promoter who does not respect himself?

But he actually has a theory to support, and it mainly implies that the Kiwi is a class apart from the 30-year-old London who he will fight Saturday.

"People see it as a 50-50 fight, but I think Joseph is the favorite, he's fighting as I know, he's too classy for Dillian Whyte." He would go looking for Whyte and that he would try to search for knockout, it would be a very exciting event, where Joshua's fight was like a game of chess. "But s & # 39; 39 He even fights the way he fought against Joshua, he should have too much class. Whyte can be sloppy. He will pick up the knockout and create openings. So, unless Whyte is lucky and gets the perfect punch, Joseph should win the fight. "

Although the stakes are high, the fighter and the promoter remain remarkably calm.

" He looks in the best shape seen, "Higgins said of his charge. As I commented on Sunday its ab has turned into six abs. And he's as cool as a cucumber. I have never seen anyone like being mentally strong and in control of his emotions. I do not think he feels the pressure or that it affects him at all. "

What about the guy whose entire business could depend on 12 rounds of three minutes on Saturday night?

" I've been in a risky business now since 14 years and you get thicker skin. In my early twenties, I could have sleepless nights, but now I'm a very philosopher, "said Higgins with a smile. I can not control what's going on, so I'm going to enjoy it and what will happen. "

It will be indeed

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