The National Party wants restrictions on how serious offenders spend compensation


Louise Upston, of National, says the government plans to drop restrictions on how serious offenders can pay compensation for abuse while children in state care do not take no account of the victims. A group of offenders such as rapists, murderers and child molesters were suspended for years while the government was working on how to treat them, but they have now started being paid according to the information provided to them. Newsroom


Social Development Minister Carmel Sepuloni told One News that the rights of offenders are protected and payments are tied to their date of birth.

the compensation paid to prisoners for mistreatment in prison, the benefits paid to persons who are abused in the care of the state would not be made public.

Upston said some payments could go up to $ 100,000. "We accept that some form of payment is due to those who have suffered in the care of the state, but that we do not accept, that is, that they should get funds without any constraints on how they spend them. "We think it's outrageous that the government is only doing blank checks. We think it's really irresponsible and does nothing for the victims of these crimes. "

The former national government had proposed to use the money to pay for reparations such as reparations to victims, child support and debts.

The new government has abandoned this proposal, partly because of $ 2 million in administration costs and because the shortcomings recommended to public servants would be difficult to avoid.

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