The NZ Firefighters Credit Union moves to the basic banking platform


The Money NZ Co-operative claims that the New Zealand Firefighters Credit Union is the first industrial credit union in the country to successfully migrate to the leading Oracle Flexcube banking platform. New Zealand to migrate to Oracle Flexcube is an achievement and a milestone for us, "says Brendan Prince, General Manager of the New Zealand Firefighters Credit Union

" Successful migration is a big step forward for "

" The platform is essentially an investment in our future to ensure that we continue to provide an exceptional member experience and products that meet the needs of our members, while providing a better overall banking experience. Prince said in a statement.

Jonathan Lee, managing director of the Money NZ Interim Cooperative, says that the Oracle Flexcube is a powerful base system. nking platform used by more than 300 financial institutions around the world.

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Keywords financebankingOracle Flexcubecredit unionCo-op Money NZ

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