The pet insurance address is as much for veterinarians as for pets


OPINION: Creaming your dog is not cheap.

For cremation and restitution of the ashes of your 32kg Labrador, Pet Farewells charges between $ 280 and $ 355 depending on whether you want the cremans in a cardboard box, a ceramic urn or a wooden casket.

Or, in the dog dog equivalent of a poor medieval tomb, you can choose to pay only $ 70, and your dog will be cremated with other pets and scattered together.

The new pet insurance from AA Pet Insurance (subscribed by Allianz Partners) will pay 100 USD for the funeral.

* Pet insurance on the rise
* Pay insurance premiums on your dead dog

For me, insurance is first and foremost about covering unforeseen catastrophic costs. A pet burial is neither one nor the other.

The catastrophic costs are those that you simply can not afford to cover: your house in flames, your car, a Porsche or the death of your spouse and leaving you solely in the care of children.

Pet insurance is a growing market, perhaps because veterinary bills can be catastrophic.

Operations and treatments for serious injury or serious illness can lead to a veterinarian offering treatments that cost $ 2,000, $ 3,000, $ 5,000, or $ 11,000.

Numbers like this push me to see pet insurance as a welfare system for veterinarians and pets.

Veterinarians exist for the dual purpose of earning money and keeping animals healthy.

They are adopting new treatments to save lives and make money.

Mark Savage of AA Pet Insurance and his dog Ziggy. Ziggy is covered by pet insurance, in case a very expensive treatment is necessary to preserve her health or save her life.


Mark Savage of AA Pet Insurance and his dog Ziggy. Ziggy is covered by pet insurance, in case a very expensive treatment is necessary to preserve her health or save her life.

Owning a pet is the responsibility of life, but each family must feed on veterinary bills to preserve the well-being of his family.

Even insurers draw a line.

AA Pet Insurance will only pay $ 11,000 a year for processing fees.

This will not pay for pet organ transplants either, but it is unlikely to happen here, as in the UK, as the New Zealand Veterinary Association opposes surgery. .

Do pet owners need to partner to obtain pet insurance? This is a difficult question.

It's a matter of choice of spending and priorities.

A pet owner who spends $ 2,000 to improve his television, then cries out of poverty because of a veterinarian's note, or the cost of pet insurance, will not earn much supporters.

But a pet owner who has medical insurance for his pet, but no medical insurance or life to protect his loved ones, and valuable savings, might want to revisit his priorities.

I do not accept the moral argument that, if you can not pay for pet insurance, you should not have any. In such a world, no low-income child would grow up in a house with a pet.

Owners must offer good lives to their pets, but not necessarily prolonged treatments that cost so much that they reduce human well-being.

The cremation of a pet is a predictable cost for a homeowner.


The cremation of a pet is a predictable cost for a homeowner.

There are two approaches to checking bills.

One is for pet owners to buy insurance and save on a parallel basis. So, when a veterinarian bill of $ 1,000 is removed, they have $ 200 to pay as a 20% copay alongside AA Insurance.

Full coverage for a young Labrador girl will cost $ 68.62 a month in her first year of coverage with AA Pet Insurance, although this cost increases with age.

The second approach is to budget the health costs of an animal and to take money each month, perhaps the amount that would have been spent for the insurance of an animal.

The second strategy is risky, but if the owner has to pay several thousand dollars at the start of their pet's life, they can simply say "No". That does not make them a terrible person.


AA Pet Insurance has been selling pet insurance for just over a month. Here are some of the claims he has already settled.

Burnt legs: the dog appeared to have gone through acid or hot tarmac. Cost of treatment: $ 448.99 with a pet insurance AA paying $ 359.19. AA pet insurance policies require policyholders that they pay 20% of the treatment costs.

Bee sting: Miniature Schnauzer was stung by a bee on the nose. It has been calmed so that a vet can remove the sting. Cost of treatment: $ 160 with a pet insurance AA paying $ 128.10.

The horse stands on a dog: a horse stands on a foot of Chihuahua, which forces the dog to be sedated to get a nail removed. The cost of treatment was $ 389.20 with AA Pet Insurance for $ 311.36.

Falling from a truck: a dog fell off a truck at a stop. The dog has been evaluated and the diagnosis is pending, with a suspected rupture of the cruciate ligament. The treatment cost up to now $ 618.50, with pet insurance AA paying $ 494.80. If surgery is needed, the bill could rise to $ 2,800.

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