This is 2018, yet there are unconditional stereotypes to which women and men around the world are still subject. The most common being that of a husband who is a home-maker. And that's the notion, the new parents, the New Zealand prime minister and his partner are trying to dispel.
New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern gave birth to a baby girl on June 21 of this year, the first world leader for nearly 30 years to have a child while he was in power.
2 days after the birth of the baby – with midwives, standard in New Zealand hospitals – she presented it to the country at a press conference on the evening news.It was really adorable.She named her Neve Te Aroha.Ta Aroha means' Love & # 39; in Maori, she represents ALL the names that were submitted (at her request) by various tribes across the country, and was her attempt to capture them all. "
What is more important is that while she returns to the country's management by six weeks, his partner Clarke is ready to leave his job as a TV presenter, to stay home and take care of the baby.
It is not by obligation, but out of love T it is not all, just a week after birth on July 1. Jacinda presented a $ 5 billion package that she had written on the floor of her friends' house in Hastings – long before her pregnancy.] The package increases paid leave for new parents from 18 weeks to 22 weeks She announced the details via Facebook live, from her couch, just after she finished breastfeeding the baby. [19659002] Break several stereotypes in one go! The Prime Minister of New Zealand is a real jet-setter! More power for her and women like her!
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