The return of kings: how the Vikings have become one of the most popular sagas of television


In 2008, when screenwriter Michael Hirst had for the first time imagined a television show based on Nordic mythology, it was nothing more than a phantasmagorical fantasy hatched with a few glasses of wine during a family vacation in France. It's a moment that his daughter, Georgia Hirst, who plays Torvi, the princess of the Danes, in Vikings, remembers well.

"It was about 10 years ago, when I was 13 or 14 years old, and we were just lazing on vacation." Suddenly, my dad said, "I'm going to write a TV show." TV and it will be about the Vikings, so if you have any ideas for the opening scene, let me know.It was weird, we thought: what is it? what are you talking about? & # 39;

"So, when everything happened, it was great," she adds proudly. "But it was also a little surreal, because I was so young when he had thought about it, I had never envisioned that one day, I would be part of it, as I am now, or what about this massive.It's so crazy. "

If she has never considered the genesis of the Vikings, nor its dazzling success, nor his father: he is clearly still stunned by his meteoric rise of a historical and unobtrusive drama on History Channel, in Canada, for become the real monster it is, watched by millions of passionate fans, in more than 250 territories, around the world. Now in its sixth season, it's one of the biggest TV shows of all time, rivaling the success, reach and scenarios of Game of Thrones.

"It was a little surprising how much he was received," admits senior Hirst, amusingly downplaying the series' stellar success and enthusiasm. "I suspected there was some interest, because people have always been fascinated by Viking tales and Norse mythology, but could I have imagined that it would become so big? never know, it's on your knees, gods and depends on audience figures. "

Despite his doubts, this did not stop Hirst from dreaming big, aiming high and planning several seasons and tricks for the Vikings – just in case, as he explains.

"At first we only ordered nine episodes, but I had a clear idea of ​​where I was going in. I was desperately waiting to attack Paris because I knew how spectacular it would be and I also wanted the Vikings to arrive in North America, "he reveals, with childlike enthusiasm, during a guided tour of the Viking Plateau, including a model to the actual scale of the Katterat colony, located on the outskirts of Dublin.

"But I knew that both of these ambitions would be a long process and would require many rounds – really, it was wishful thinking on my part as more than half of the new series are canceled almost immediately."

Whether dreamlike or not, his fantasy quickly became a reality: the titanic and twisted intrigues of the Vikings are centered on kinship, family quarrels, epic battles and looting captivated by audiences around the world. Indeed, as the Vikings had done a thousand years ago, one territory after another was conquered by the Vikings, making it the first television show in the world, to believe the latest. hyperbole of the press release.

"There have been a lot of Viking series or movies before, but nothing has ever been accomplished like this," agrees Alex Hogh, who plays Ivor the Boneless. "It's very popular all over the world, from Argentina and Brazil to Australia and New Zealand." There's a wave of "Viking-ness" with the "I'm not sure". appearance of the Vikings in other forms of media and many other shows with Vikings [in them].

"Some fans who are so dedicated to the show that they have pictures of our characters tattooed on them," he adds. "One of them even sent me a picture of my tattooed character on his thigh! I had never imagined that anyone would want to do that, but it did not happen. This is how much the Vikings are popular. "

Although the magnitude of the Vikings' success mystifies Hogh and Hirst, this should not be such a big surprise. After all, Hirst has a history in this field: he is the writer, director, producer or creator of an acclaimed historical drama series, including The Tudors and The Borgias. He also wrote Elizabeth, an award-winning and critically acclaimed filmmaker, Elizabeth: The Golden Age, who catapulted Cate Blanchett to superstarom and allowed her to create a story that is both historical, sexy and bankable. Much of this was his penchant for securing a historical fact, then adding a pinch of fiction to spice things up.

"Yes, we try to stick to history as much as possible, but we also need to know that we're creating a TV show, so we'll always use the most spectacular solution or the best way to make a story." says Hogh. "It's important to do that, I think."

"I do not like fantasy, I love stories steeped in reality and I prefer to write about real people, in real life situations, but whose stories are fantastic," Hirst adds. "In addition, I have an academic background, so the research part of my work is something that interests me.It is from this research, reading and contemplation that ideas, Characters and storylines are starting to emerge.This process is very important for me and for me, so make the most of it.

"Really, I'm a storyteller, so although it's based on factual facts, I use it as a starting point to create stories," he explains with animation. "These embellishments are what make it interesting, rather than just a boring and dusty history lesson, but I also assure you that what you see may have happened, even if it does not. This is not the case, it's important for me and the fans. "

This dedication, his attention to detail and his credible but fantastic intrigues earned Hirst a lot of cheers. This has also revived the global infatuation for northern mythology and Viking escapades. It remains to be seen whether this will last another millennium or not.

Who: Director Michael Hirst
What: Vikings, season five (second part)
When: Streaming on Lightbox from today

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