The story that continues to give: Kevin Barry still shot the Joshua referee fiasco


  Joseph Parker found it difficult to go against Anthony Joshua in their four-band unification fight earlier this year.


Joseph Parker found it difficult to go against Anthony Joshua in their four-band unification fight earlier this year.

Kevin Barry has seen many things in his long career in boxing, but never a moment like the one he saw banging in front of Joseph Parker. A heavyweight unification match against Anthony Joshua earlier this year.

As Parker's camp digs his heels in the presence of a WBC-appointed judge, they are far from being the target of the clash against Dillian Whyte at O2 Arena (Sunday morning NZT), Barry provided a timely reminder of the fallout that may arise from an inept arbitration.

The Italian referee Giuseppe Quartarone has been widely criticized by critics for his handlin. Joshua's fight, and especially for his refusal to allow Parker to engage in the interior against the longer-reaching Brit. Many thought that his bizarre decisions prevented a decent fight.

Neither Parker nor his trainer Barry blamed the referee 's performance for a defeat that prevented the New Zealander from leading the fight against the Great Briton as much as it should.

* The biggest fight of Joe's career & # 39;
* Higgins has concerns of judge
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But this remains clear, Barry having described the Italian as "muppet "and released his last flank when preparing the Whyte contest that could make or break Kiwi's career.

The veteran Las Vegas coach unleashed Quartarone's performance, with its eccentricities highlighted in a recent combat documentary broadcast in New Zealand.

Barry says the Italian "is off" The Parker G-room dress before the fight and felt the doco, entitled Joseph Parker: Metamorphosis had revealed a series of weird front-to-front before one of the biggest fights in the world for the year.

It was shameful that we have two English-speaking world champions, we had the first fight heavyweight boxing unification for eight years and the biggest fight ever on British soil and you put in a guy who was completely out of his depth.


Barry's latest tirade came after he declared himself satisfied with the appointment of an experienced British official, Ian John-Lewis, to arbitrate this match against Whyte, which promoter ? David Higgins qualified the most important of Parker's career.

"At this level, there are always small things behind the scenes," Barry said. "What really made him talk, and that opened the eyes of many people, is the recent doco we showed in New Zealand." The New Zealand public had no idea what was going on with this fight. The idea that Joshua was taken in his dressing-room by breaking the padding of his glove, and my son had to take the supervisor from that bathroom so that I could tear it up.

"They did not know that they had one. Joshua's guys sitting in our locker room say you will not be able to use that envelope on Joe's hands … just playing with us … of course we were allowed to use it.

"They had no idea that we had a referee when he entered our locker room …. the first thing he wanted to do was" photo, photo, photo ", and put his arm around Joe and get his picture taken.I'm making fun of me? "This guy has been deployed.This guy is in charge of the biggest heavyweight fight in Eight years old.And photo, photo …

"When he finished his pigeon in English, I said that my fighter had a range of 76, Joshua has 84in, when we work inside will you let us work?

Barry felt that the doco on the wall would have opened his eyes to what was happening in the fight scene.

"They think everything is clear, and it 's not at all like that. There are a lot of other things, a lot of things you can not show on a doco, that' s it. is a difficult sport. "

Barry and Parker hope their clash against a respected Whyte puncher passes without incident or controversy."

This is a great moment in Parker's career to have undue influence on officials

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