Major projects of a bicycle path between Picton and Kaikōura were attacked after Iwi and locals discovered that he could climb to sacred sites [19659007TangatawhenuaatthesouthernsummitclaimsakilometerbikepathcoulddamageancientpāsitescemeteriesorvillageinMangamaununorthofKaikōura
They marched Wednesday in Kaikōura to protest against the $ 10 million project to get the green light without public consultation. in front of the Kaikōura District Council building. "title =" "src =" https://resources.stuff.co.nz/content/dam/images/1/q/v/f/w/b/image.related.StuffLandscapeSixteenByNine.620×349.1qv8ob.png/ 1531968697177.jpg "class =" photoborder "/>
The proposed route would cross Blenheim, passing by the Wairau Bar, one of the oldest settlements in the country , Seddon, Ward, Kekerengu and Clarence
* Marlborough Kaikōura Trail Trust formed to turn a bike trail idea into reality
* Kaikoura Cycle A video of the bike path puts highlight a "profound change" after the Kaikōura earthquake
The Marlborough Kaikōura Trail Trust, the organization that grows for the bike path, was waiting between 19,000 and 35,000 users each
"We are not supposed to ride our urupa," said local MP Rino Tirikatene
The Peninsula Kaikōura had more than two dozen archaeological sites, including Takahanga pā, a former site in use as the home of Takahanga Marae.
Despite the potential impact of the bicycle path on wāhi tapu or sacred sites, public consultation under the 1991 Resource Management Act (RMA) did not take place.
Consents for the proposed bike path were assessed under an emergency law after the magnitude 7.8 Kaikōura earthquake to speed up vital work.
This means that local groups have not had the opportunity to give their opinion on the bike path to KiwiRail, the New Zealand Transportation Agency (NZTA) and the NZTA. Alliance for the Restoration of North Canterbury's Transportation Infrastructure (1965-19008) Jim Harland, NZTA's Regional Relations Manager, said there was "no plan to build [or] adjacent to l & # 39; Urupa ". It was hoped that access to the mahinga kai, or place of food gathering, would be maintained.
"We recognize that Mangamaunu is a special and important part of New Zealand for iwi, surfers and the whole community" Harland said:
"The intention of the program of work is to leave a positive legacy for the community and improving the overall safety and resilience of the transportation system for New Zealand 08] "We remain committed to working with the community through the Work Recovery and Restoration Program to get the best results for everyone. "
Karen Starkey, a member of Ngāi Tahu, one of the organizers of the protest, said that if there had been a full consultation under the RMA, the reaction would not have occurred
"We request [the Kaikōura District Council] to hold a solid meeting with KiwiRail." Starkey said:
Libby Clifford, Communications and Engagement Manager of Council, said the council "Worked hard" to connect people with NZTA and KiwiRail and help start conversations. [TRADUCTION] "From the point of view of the council yesterday, it was to help the Maori community to make their voices heard. his voice, "said Clifford.
" We want final designs to take into account the views of the community. Ralph Hogan, whose Facebook broadcast of the events had attracted 5,000 views, said his video showed the scale of the public reaction.
"I understand that the protests were not aimed at blocking the entire runway, just the sensitive sites and Rochelle Broadhurst, a member of Kaikōura Board Riders, said," Some things should be left in their natural state. "
"This is a question of treaty [about] concerning wāhi tapu and also to preserve"
Harland stated that the designs of the proposed cycle path were still in their "early stages" and that the public could in benefit in the future
"We are committed to commitment where we can" This will build on the valuable lessons we have received from the highly attended information evening and two meetings of focus groups that have been held over the last few months.
"We acknowledge the concerns raised by the participants in hikoi and are eager to hear their specific comments, so that it can feed into the development of conceptual designs. "
Harland stated that comments or concerns should be addressed to NCTIR at [email protected]
The Marlborough Kaikōura Trail Trust was unable to to be reached for comment
– The Marlborough Express