The witness says that a man who died in custody three days after being arrested and was "out of control"


The man who died in custody three days after his arrest acted as a "wild animal", says an eyewitness.

The man violently attacked an elderly person in Freemans Bay on Sunday outside a residential address. "He was out of control," said the witness to Herald .

"He resisted the arrest and he also came to the police, he was told from The witness said the police had trouble apprehending the attacker and that he it took them up to five minutes to place it in a position where they could take it.

Walking around the street around 3 pm on Sunday, the "fat guy" was incoherently shouting and slapping cars before attacking the old man

"The guy who was arrested seemed to have drugs, behaving certainly control," the witness said.

The male offender was observed kicking the victim in the

Supt. Karyn Malthus, Auckland district commander, said the police had been forced to taser the man

" Their repeated orders were ignored and the offender rushed to them before being electrocuted several times.

"During the arrest, the offender fought violently, which required the 39; intervention of two additional officers to help him apply the necessary means of restraint and a hood. "

Police personnel treated the victim until the paramedics arrived. in the hospital.

The abuser was taken to the Auckland Detention Unit in an agitated state.

His condition began to deteriorate during his custody and the police had to perform cardiopulmonary resuscitation until u? on arrival of an ambulance.He was taken to hospital and died this morning.

The witness told Herald that he was adamant that the police who had arrested the man acted appropriately while handling the attacker.

"He did not respond when the police told him to get grounded, that's why they shocked him," he said.

do not believe that the senior victim and the offender knew each other

The police are in contact with the family of the deceased and continue to investigate the circumstances surrounding the Aggression and death in detention

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