There is a partial eclipse of Supermoon arriving just in time for Friday the 13th


Friday the 13th is historically a worrisome date filled with many superstitions, but it is about to become even more spookier, as a supermoon eclipses the sun tonight, according to National Geographic.

The moon will be a dark supermoon that occurs when a new lunar orb is exceptionally close to Earth, adding to the severity of the event. "Supermoon" has become the most popular term for what astronomers call a full moon near the perigee or its closest point to the Earth when it appears greatest in the sky

Advertisement – Continue Reading Below [19659004totestifytothismagnificentcelestialsceneThispartialsupermooneclipsewillonlybevisibletoresidentsofthesoutheastcoastofAustraliaTasmaniaNewZealand'sStewartIslandandthenorthcoastofNewZealandAntarctic The partial eclipse will culminate in Melbourne at 13:21. and Tasmania at 13:24. local time, according to Travel and Leisure .

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			<span class= Getty Images NurPhoto

Although 13 is generally considered an unlucky number, these people should consider themselves very lucky because the Earth did not have a solar eclipse on Friday 13 in 44 years. The last took place in December 1974.

A partial eclipse can be damaging to the naked eye, so those who are going to have the chance to see this show should take precautions. Popular Mechanics compiled a list of the best products to use, including special glasses and telescopes.

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