Top cop Wally Haumaha will remain Deputy Commissioner of Police during the investigation into his selection


The investigation into the process undertaken by the State Services Commission for the appointment of Wally Haumaha to the position of Deputy Commissioner of Police will review information they held about him before to entrust him with this role

. Prime Minister Winston Peters told the media that the Haumaha would not be removed from office during the investigation

Peters announced the investigation earlier today after an investigation Herald which revealed the anger of Louise Nicholas to her promotion. Haumaha was friends with the men she accused of raping her and continued to support them after the scandal.

The terms of reference for the investigation would concern the appointment process of the Public Utilities Board and whether all relevant information was provided. or collected by them during the appointment process and, if not, why not.

If all relevant information was known to the SSC, "

other terms of reference were being developed and would be published in the week.

The government wanted a full report, he said.

The process would be overseen by Home Affairs Minister Tracey Martin, who would appoint a qualified and independent person to conduct the investigation.

Peters said that Martin had been chosen because it would have been inappropriate for the Minister of Police or the Minister of the SSC to direct him since it was this department that was the object of An investigation.

Peters Haumaha said would not be ruled out because it was not the nature of the offense that was worrying, but the process of his selection.

He also stated that the reports that Haumaha was a New Zealand candidate in 2005 were false and he did not b Elijah, there was a conflict. He said that he had no involvement with Haumaha since he was removed from the selection process to be Rotorua's candidate and had no idea what his political affiliations were now.

"We must continue with this hour of question because we will not go"

The report should be made public once it will be finished

Simon Bridges says "Conflict of D & # s "Interest" in the investigation of the promotion of Wally Haumaha., Once closely linked to NZ First
Assistant Commissioner Wally Haumaha excuses Louise Nicholas for comments
Louise Nicholas & # 39 hit the roof – when Wally Haumaha appointed deputy police commissioner

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