Trade Commission opens Celebration Box investigation as homeowners say death threats have been issued | 1 NEWS NOW


The Commerce Commission has opened an investigation into the Auckland Company 's Celebration Box company based on the fair trade law, while the cyber – bullying charges from the company and its detractors have been raised. fly away.

The Auckland Company, owned by Iyia Liu and Briar Howard, sells custom boxes of confectionery and desserts, which are delivered to customers on a given date, priced from $ 39.95 to $ 139.95 a box.

He has been the subject of numerous complaints to the Trade Commission this year the quality of their products and customer service, especially around Father's Day, and the Commission confirmed this week that it is actively investigating complaints.

The company apologized at that time. Howard acknowledged "we made mistakes" and said, "We are sincerely sorry for all customers who have not had the experience they expected, and we take full responsibility for it."

A handful of complaints filed online about Celebration Box.

A handful of complaints filed online about Celebration Box.
Source: Screenshots / Provided

Mrs. Howard told NEWS that the company "has corrected all the problems and has since changed all the appropriate processes to ensure that every box leaving our warehouse is of the highest quality".

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She stated that the company was complying with all requests from the Commission and would meet with them next week.

The Instagram account of Celebration Box – one of their major sources of marketing and revenue – was removed on Monday for violating "community guidelines" but was reinstated shortly after Tuesday night.

A parody page of Celebration Box was created both on Instagram and on Facebook, and she posted a celebratory message when the company's page was removed, writing "NZ Celebration Box is down! Following 77k were removed from the Internet after their anon intimidation accounts were reported.

Ms. Howard stated that her company had nothing to do with alleged incidents of cyberbullying and that the real reason that their Instagram page had been removed this week was due to five misrepresented copyright claims. by a person posing as a number of people, one of whom was an imitator of Max Key.

An Instagram spokesperson confirmed to NEWS that the page had been temporarily removed for alleged copyright infringement and then reinstated after the reports were found to be fraudulent.

Ms. Howard said that Celebration Box, and in particular her co-owner, Iyia Liu, had been the target of many malicious activities in recent months, including death threats and racial abuse.

Mrs. Howard said: "Celebration Box asked the police to help find the alleged trolls, but the police said that she could not do anything about it, although she had received death threats and hate mail in progress.

"Since Father's Day, we continue to move forward," said Ms. Howard. "Yet, no one has reported constant increases that Iyia had suffered, including racial hatred.

"We have created 12 jobs, pay our taxes and GST, we all have our certificates and we work very hard every day."

The Commission did not provide a timetable for its investigation and indicated that it would not make any further comments while the investigation was ongoing.

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