Trans-Tasman kayaker Scott Donaldson near Taranaki beach


  Supporters were waiting Monday night on Ngamotu Beach in New Plymouth for the return of Trans-Tasmanian kayaker Scott Donaldson


Supporters were waiting for Ngamotu Beach in New Plymouth on Monday night for the arrival of Trans-Tasmanian kayaker Scott Donaldson.

Hundreds of people gather on a beach in New Plymouth to welcome kayaker Scott Donaldson after 62 days at sea.

On May 2, Donaldson left Coffs Harbor, Australia, to try to become the first kayak in Canada. travel 2200 kilometers through the solo of the Tasman Sea.

This was his second attempt. In 2014, Donaldson came close to completing the trip. He had paddled half of the Tasman with an irreparable rudder, sat through a 40-year storm and, when he was 80 km off New Zealand, the attempt was to be canceled.

  Sarah, Donald Donaldson's wife Donaldson was part of a film crew on Ngamotu Beach


Scott Donaldson's wife, Sarah Donaldson, worked with a film crew at Ngamotu Beach

. Ngamotu Beach, inside Port Taranaki – its planned landing zone. At 7 pm, the crowd was in the hundreds.

* Kayaker makes another attempt at the first Tasman Sea voyage
* Tasman's kayak rudder passes intact after the shark has tasted it
* The wind and the tides -Tasman kayaker in a loop
* Full of steam before the kayaker Trans-Tasman makes the last effort for the shore
* Taranaki, I'm coming back here
* The Trans-Tasmanian kayaker Scott Donaldson leaves
[19659007] Aided by the tail winds, from the west, Scott made 75 km Sunday and started rowing again at 7:30 am Monday morning in the hope of reaching the coast. Around 19h he was a few kilometers from the sand.

  There were hundreds of people on the sand Monday at 19h


There were hundreds of people on the sand on Monday.

On Friday, Donaldson's support ship met him in the early morning and restocked him with some of his favorite foods, sausages, chicken sandwiches and peanut steaks for the final push. Zac, the one-year-old son, had been in New Plymouth for a week and was looking forward to his arrival.

Foote said that they had been "bubbly and impatient" to see him.

  Scott Donaldson 180 kilometers off New Zealand Friday


Scott Donaldson 180 kilometers off the coast of New Zealand on Friday.

Donaldson's family was filmed for a while by television crews on Ngamotu Beach.

– References

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