Trust Shares for Hotel Property (NASDAQ: HPT) sold by Garland Capital Management Inc.


Garland Capital Management Inc. lowered its position in the Hospitality Properties Trust (NASDAQ: HPT) by 1.8% in the second quarter, according to the fund held 122,120 shares of the investment trust Real Estate, after having sold 2,200 shares during the quarter, Garland Capital Management Inc. held 0.07% of the Trust Property Hotel, worth $ 3,493,000 deposit with the Securities and Exchange Commission.

A number of other institutional investors have recently changed their positions on HPT Summit Trail Advisors LLC has raised its stake in Hospitality Properties Trust stock by 2,722.9% in the first quarter. LLC now holds 114,978 shares of the real estate investment trust worth $ 115,000 following the purchase of 110,905 additional shares in the last quarter. Albion Financial Group UT acquired a new position in shares of Hospitality Properties Trust during the fourth quarter of approximately $ 202,000. Element Capital Management LLC has acquired a new position in shares of Hospitality Properties Trust during the first quarter of approximately $ 206,000. PVG Asset Management Corp. acquired a new position in shares of Hospitality Properties Trust during the first quarter of approximately $ 232,000. Finally, Rational Advisors LLC acquired a new position in the shares of Hospitality Properties Trust during the first quarter of approximately $ 232,000. Hedge funds and other institutional investors hold 73.64% of the company's shares.

Hospitality Properties Trust shares fell $ 0.36 to $ 27.74 during Friday, according to MarketBeat Ratings. 543,391 shares of the company were exchanged, compared with an average volume of 663,278 shares. The Hotel Trust has a minimum of $ 52.83 in 52 weeks and a high of $ 31.27 in 52 weeks. The company has a market capitalization of $ 4.56 billion, a price / earnings ratio of 7.68, a PEG ratio of 1.42 and a beta of 0.97. The company has a debt ratio of 1.48, a ratio of 0.44 and a ratio of 0.44.

Hospitality Properties Trust (NASDAQ: HPT) last announced its quarterly results on Wednesday, May 9th. The real estate investment trust reported earnings per share of $ 0.94 for the quarter, which is consistent with Thomson Reuters' consensus estimate of $ 0.94. The company achieved a turnover of $ 528.60 million during the quarter, against $ 525.68 million for analysts. Hospitality Properties Trust recorded a return on equity of 6.85% and a net margin of 11.67%. Hospitality Properties Trust's quarterly revenues grew 8.2% year-over-year. During the same period of the previous year, the company earned $ 0.16 of earnings per share. Research analysts predict that Hospitality Properties Trust will post 3.9 EPS for the current year.

The company also recently unveiled a quarterly dividend to be paid on Thursday, August 16th. Investors listed on Monday, July 30 will receive a dividend of $ 0.53. This represents an annualized dividend of $ 2.12 and a return of 7.64%. The ex-dividend date of this dividend is Friday, July 27th. The dividend payout ratio of Hospitality Properties Trust is currently 59.38%.

A number of brokerages commented on HPT. TheStreet upgraded its "c +" rating to "b-" in a research note on Friday, May 25th. ValuEngine lowered its trust rating to a "sell" rating in a research report released on Saturday. B. Riley set a target price of $ 32.00 on the Hospitality Properties Trust and assigned a "purchase" rating to the title in a research report on Thursday, May 10th. Zacks Investment Research upgraded its "hold" rating to "buy" and set a target price of $ 29.00 on the stock in a research report on Thursday, May 10. Finally, BidaskClub raised the trust rating "Hospitality Properties Trust" to a "buy" rating in a research report on Thursday, May 24th. An investment analyst rated the stock with a sales rating, six assigned a reserve rating and three gave a buy-to-action rating. Hospitality Properties Trust currently has an average rating of "Hold" and a consensus target price of $ 30.13

Hospitality Properties Trust Profile

Hospitality Properties Trust is a real estate investment trust, or REIT, which has a diversified portfolio of hotels and travel centers in 45 states, Puerto Rico and Canada. HPT's properties are operated under long-term management or lease agreements. HPT is managed by the operating subsidiary of RMR Group Inc. (Nasdaq: RMR), an alternative asset management company headquartered in Newton, Massachusetts

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  Trust (NASDAQ: HPT)

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