Vogue magazine leaves the woman "torn and devastated"


When Noor Tagouri finally got hold of the latest issue of Vogue last week, she could not contain her enthusiasm anymore.

That's because the journalist and activist had been featured in the pages of the Fashion Bible this month – a dream of his life for the 25-year-old.

But her enthusiasm soon turned to chagrin when the Muslim woman turned to her picture – and spotted a devastating mistake.

In a caption accompanying a picture of herself, she is confused with the Pakistani actor Noor Bukhari.

And although this may seem like a simple typo, Tagouri explained why this confusion was so serious in a video posted on Instagram.

The video shows Tagouri's frank reaction after seeing his film Vogue for the first time and was accompanied by a moving legend.

"I have so much heartbroken and devastated, as if my heart was really hurting me.I had been waiting for this ad for several months.One of my dreams of appearing in the US magazine @VogueMagazine is come true! " she wrote.

"We finally found the problem at JFK airport.I did not see the photo or the text … But, as you can see on the video, I was identified to Wrong as a Pakistani actor named Noor Bukhari.I call myself Noor Tagouri, I'm a journalist, activist and lecturer.

"I've made misrepresentations and have been misidentified several times in media publications, to the point of putting my life in danger, I have NEVER expected this since a publication that I respect so much. and that I read since I was a child.

"False statements and misidentifications are a constant problem if you're a Muslim in America, and even though I'm working to fight that, there are times like this where I feel defeated."

To his credit, Vogue made a complete apology to Tagouri and Bukhari, and publicly acknowledged the mistake on social media.

"We are sincerely sorry for the mistake, we were delighted to be able to photograph Tagouri and highlight his important work, and to have misidentified it as a painful false step," reads Vogue on Instagram.

"We also understand that there is a wider problem of misidentification in the media – especially among non-white subjects.

"We will try to be more thoughtful and cautious in our work and we apologize for any embarrassment this has caused to Tagouri and Bukhari."

Tagouri, however, told CNN that the mistake was far from a fault, stating that the misrepresentation of "marginalized" people was taking place "more often than not".

"I am so thankful and humiliated by the support and conversation that it started," she told the publication.

"That did not mean that ME was misidentified and represented – it was all marginalized people who are constantly taken after the fact and are not really seen."

In 2018, photos of Tagouri were used in news articles about Noor Salman, the wife of Pulse nightclub shooter Omar Mateen, who killed 49 people in June 2016.

And the media have long mixed celebrities with similar backgrounds – Earlier this month, British Vogue landed in fiery waters after mistakenly labeling Thandie Newton on her Instagram stories as Zoe Saldana.

In 2017, Burberry has confused the actor and rapper Riz Ahmed with fellow Dev Patel, while congratulating him on his award for Best Supporting Actor of the British Film Academy. A television channel showed a picture of Seal at the announcement of the death of The Green Mile star Michael Clarke Duncan. in 2012.

In 2014, Pulp Fiction actor Samuel L. Jackson toast American TV host Sam Rubin, who asked him about his recent Super Bowl advertisement. The ad featured The Matrix star Laurence Fishburne.

Shortly after this embarrassing confusion, Jackson finished a press tour for the superhero movie Captain America: The Winter Soldier with a t-shirt with the words: "I'm not Laurence Fishburne".

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