WeWork stops Alexa's rollout for businesses


One of Amazon's flagship customers at Alexa for Business of Amazon – the WeWork office rental company – has apparently requested the time of her wizard technology test virtual.

WeWork was introduced as one of the first users of technology when launching Alexa for Business at Amazon. Re: Invent conference last year.

Alexa for Business is a set of tools for centralized computer deployment and management of a large number of Amazon compatible Echo devices.

According to one CNBC report Tuesday, the WeWork pilot project only lasted two months before the project was shut down.

The company, which provides coworking spaces, has planned to install Echo devices in its rooms and develop the "skills" of Alexa – autonomous applications and integrations with backend systems – to allow members to control the facilities from the meeting room, to check if a room is free and regular. request that the analyzes be read.

WeWork declined to comment, but is no longer listed as a customer on Amazon's Alexa for Business web page. Amazon officials could not be contacted immediately for comment.

Talk to Computerworld UK Last year, Josh Emig, head of product research at WeWork, said that Alexa for Business had been chosen to replace the competing products of Google and Apple because of its " business readiness capability ".

However, he warned that WeWork, which has 200 offices and 175,000 members, will take a "pretty cautious" approach to deployment.

Emig said it was "not just about taking technology, developing some skills and spreading it around the world … We're aggressive and ambitious in technology, but a lot of affecting . "

A source cited by CNBC explained that the reason why WeWork had ended its pilot project and whether it would restart the project at a later date is unclear.

Amazon companies that use Alexa for business include Condé Nast, General Electric, and St. Louis University.

The school recently deployed 2,300 Echo points in student dorms and is currently studying Alexa's use in classrooms and classrooms, according to IT Director David Hakanson.

Last month, Amazon has opened Alexa for Business to third-party developers, which means that Alexa can now be integrated with more office equipment.

Among the vendors that Amazon currently works with are Plantronics, iHome, BlackBerry, Linkplay, and Extron.

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