What did Meghan Markle do that left Kate Middleton in tears?


More details about an incident that would have occurred between Meghan Markle and Kate Middleton were revealed, the stress and pressure of the royal wedding and the birth of Prince Louis being blamed on the tension between the royal wives.

Information that Kate was moved to tears after the publication this week of her daughter's princess girl's wedding dress, Princess Charlotte, then sparked a wave of speculation that the duchesses were not hearing.

Meghan, a former actress in the hit series Suits, married Prince Harry at Windsor Castle in May.

Britain's best-selling newspaper, The Sun, citing royal sources, claims that Meghan's strict instructions were at the origin of Kate's tears when Charlotte, three-year-old sartorial, was sidelined. Is not unrolled as planned.

Meghan insisted on the "best" for her wedding which led to a "stressful" fitting – and Kate, who had just given birth, was left shaken and in tears.

The Royal Councilors refused to deny the incident, but the Sun said they had both put behind them.

However, their relationship is now in the limelight, with tabloid headlines in the UK and royal fans heading for social media to share their views and theories.

After Meghan's relationship with Harry was revealed, it was widely reported that she had relied on Kate for advice and support when she joined the Royal Family. Both men delighted royal observers when they spent a day together at Wimbledon earlier this year.

A month after the wedding of Meghan and Harry, they appeared together at an event in Cheshire, in northwestern England. They both attended Remembrance Day commemorations this month, but were standing in front of separate balconies.

Last week, it was revealed that the Duke and Duchess of Sussex would leave Kensington Palace, neighbors of William and Kate, and would be 50 km from Windsor.

A close friend of the couple said that the decision to move was perhaps due to a split between the two couples because "Kate and Meghan are very different people".

Sending to Mail on Sunday, the source added, "They do not really hear."

Kensington Palace has confirmed the departure of Harry and Meghan, but a spokeswoman explained that it was to facilitate preparations for the birth of a baby.

They added that Windsor was a special place for the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, who also took part in the decision to move.

But a royal source told the Sun: "The original plan was for Harry and Meghan to leave their cottage in Kensington Palace and move into one of the main apartments.
"But there was a little tension between the brothers."

The queen warns Prince Harry of Meghan's behavior and attitude prior to their marriage. Meghan originally wanted a tiara containing emeralds, according to royal sources. But the future Duke and Duchess of Sussex were unhappy when he was told that his first choice was impossible because no one knew exactly where he was coming from.

A book by journalist Robert Jobson reveals that Harry had told staff before the wedding, "What Meghan wants, Meghan gets it."

Meanwhile, palace initiates emphasized the tensions between Harry and William before May's sumptuous wedding.

An insider said that Harry did not think William was making enough efforts to welcome Meghan into the family, the Daily Mail reported.

According to the insider, the tension between the brothers was appeased when Prince Charles intervened and William and Kate finally invited Harry and Meghan to spend Christmas with them.

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